Nice test Results as always.:beer:
As for being the same ones i sell. Well iam not sure about that.
There is 2 "1W" 405nm 3.8mm diodes i sell. I dont really have names
Here is one 1) This is thefirst one i sold for some time
I sold these diodes above^ as >850mW with a G lens.
Clearly you can see they are rated Much higher but i sold them at 850mW+ so that i dint have to worry about members popping them if they choose to go higher..
Pretty much power for power identical to the diodes you show. But This diode Kinked at 720mA so i dont think its the same.
I cant tell you though for the Number 2 iode was.. Iam out of stock for the next week on those and i dont have any test results saved on them. Though i have more on the way so i can post them when they arrive.
But i can tell you the power is again pretty much identical but a notice of slightly higher output VS current on the top end and they cost alittle more but i stuck with these for the most part recently for the past while unless otherwise asked.
So it could very well be the same as the nmber 2 ones i sell. That be nice to know because i can find another source for them now and bring price down for bulk but if there not then price is pretty much stuck at this for now.
As a note though Both the diodes i sell are reliable or a better word for it is accessible its just no one wanted to pay the higher price for them in bulk over the S06J. I could always get them. But i never stocked them fully. Only bought 10-20 at a time and when i sold out i ordered more since iam not so much a diode seller now adays. I dint sell many.More so in build is what i do but those that asked ive sold them too as a "Holding over" till we get a better souce.
I have some more 408nm diode in the order. though 5.6mm they come out of medical lasers.
We will see what those will do.
Good chance though there not the same though. I dont recall 1A. But this is months ago. So ill have to double check for you.
If these are selling for 68$ then they might be diffrent....
I will do a power run again when the arrive to see if they ae the same.
Hopefully you found better ones:wave: