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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Saw your mini, and thought it was great, comes with the added heat sink for longer run time? What would you be asking for it. I live in Lancaster ca.
    I have a Mitsubishi ML101U29-25 400mW 5.6mm 660nm Red Laser.
    is it possible to use a battery straight to the laser diode to max out the diode to 400mW with out using the driver. what kind of battery would be needed to get max output.

    any advice :)
    added you to the non- binding wanters list for round #2 of the Linna LK PD2 projector- their site laserking.com-- If you have properly subscribed to JOG you should find an email today about the thread I just posted in. IF not please go to JOG find 'tools' to your right just above the list of discussions
    click subscribe and email notification.

    ATM I have no idea how many will be signed up to get a LK PD2 -- the call for funds may happen anytime in April or maybe even later- OR it could be on April 1.. Please post any Qs you may have in that discussion at ROG.


    sending you your diodes and freebies with Wed. mail-
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