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  • Hey mike!!!!

    Guess who just bounced back into the forums??

    Good ole me!!

    Do you remember me after all this time?

    Hope all is well with you and yours!

    I’m thinking and getting the itch to build something new and powerful!

    So much has changed, but all my nova lasers and all my hand spun still work perfectly!

    Hope to hear from you soon!!

    Hey mike :D i bought a yag laser off of ebay and im not able to get it to fire :( it came with a cap bank also, and I also just blew the risitor on the side of it.. and im not sure what type it was so i can replace it, could you help me?
    Laser Project ----
    That is a small device and it is hard to see what is in it. All the big connections are likely connected to a flash tube and the small ones to a trigger circuit. I don't see anything which looks like an active Q switch.
    I'm guessing that ~ 700 VDC at 50 mFd would be a starting point but this depends on the impedance of your capacitors, inline coils, etc.
    You need to find where all those connections go before you "power up". Is the trigger in the head?
    HMike mbconnor@netins.net
    We'll be seeing you in about 3 weeks be sure to come by the supplies tent as I will be vending there, I'll have all the Titanium :)
    I'm at :
    229 Shepherds Bluff Dr.
    Mooresville NC 28115
    We can rework that equation and solve for specific power ranges. No?
    Hi. My name is Patrick, i have Skylasers HL532 100mw model. I have problem with flickering diode and with button. Laser does no lase properly after turning on, i have to touch it delicate and after that it light with full power. I think it's some connection issue with the button. I use 3V lithium batteries, so it's maybe caused by low voltage? I want to disassembly it, but how? I know that you tried to disassembly Skylasers Pl model, how can I do that? Please give me some instruction, i will be very grateful :)
    Hello Mike H
    I live in NE Iowa also. I wish to talk with you about tesla coils. It is much too detailed to go into here for the moment. Please contact me at quickstirling@yahoo.com
    I have specific design needs to address, and was hoping that you might be able to help or at least direct me to someone to talk with.
    Mike Q
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