Re: Peregrine - The Free LPM Interface
What imaginary crashing issues are you referring to...:thinking:
You've mentioned squat to me... or are you just brown nosing
to attack our full featured bug free EagleEye software...:thinking:
There isn't enough demand for a MAC version of EagleEye..
Besides... there is already a MAC solution for MAC users that
we do endorse and approve...:beer:
So you're not interested in having your MacOS customers have a native datalogging program? Something that actually runs well on a Mac?
Why are you not addressing the concerns raised by members in this thread?
Do you care to address the
imaginary and
entirely fabricated problems that Peregrine could cause? The problems that
CANNOT PHYSICALLY HAPPEN because the Rx pin (the pin on which the LaserBee would receive data from the computer - where any "damage" could be caused) is electrically isolated? And in the case of two of the three LaserBees I have here,
not even connected, with no wiring even going to it? Even if someone
wanted to damage a LaserBee by sending data to it, it would be impossible because of the way the device is constructed. You took that into account when you designed it.
I'm honestly surprised that you would tell lies in order to pigeonhole your customers into using a particular software package. Your behavior is akin to Microsoft telling customers that they forfeit any customer service if they use an internet browser other than Internet Explorer - citing reasons that are entirely fabricated. Even Microsoft has never done that. I thought better of you.
Jerry, I'm disappointed in you. I've come to expect monopolistic and anticompetitive behavior from you, but I never thought you would stoop to downright lies in order to preserve your market position. The market should be driven by innovation - you know that, and it's obvious that you're trying to stifle it. The market should be able to choose their own software, and have a seller treat them reasonably. Sellers should not be able to knowingly lie to retain a monopoly and get away with it.
But... at least through my efforts, the community knows enough about LaserBees for third parties to be able to service them. At least those whose warranties are reneged on will still be taken care of, even if you're unwilling to do it.
If you want to stop people from using Peregrine, do it by improving your software - by making them want to use it because it's easier to use or better.
Don't do it by threatening your customers.