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FrozenGate by Avery

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  • Hi. I've seen you're an Electrical Engineering student in Germany. May I ask a few questions regarding your studies? Thanks.
    I find it interesting that in other countries, people speak more than one language. It's cool that you know English and German. :beer:
    you need to un-friend edwinpang he is just a kid trying to scam- stole his pics from Sky and JetL-and he is banned(but i suspect he will be back)
    im interested in buying your 1.1-1.2 W 445nm C6 Aurora complete laser. i just wanted to know if it is still for sale. i am currently trying to get my paypal figured and as soon as i got all of that figured out i was planning on buying that laser if it is still for sale. i would greatly appreciate it if you messaged me back.
    You are better off WITHOUT me as a friend most likely - Mods are WAY too biased, so keep yourself safe, and make no comments about them, or about me :) LEt's see how long THIS post stays up here !
    Crybaby? I'll remember that next time you need help with something.
    I'm pretty sure anyone who submits their story gets a free item. But I still haven't gotten my confirmation email yet either :S
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