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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Absolutely No One Ever Deserves to be Hatefully & Mercilessly Trolled

Please Take Carefull Thought and Choose Well

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If you have never had a TJ personal target on your back you know nothing about how that feels.

More options are needed- unfair to group Dave with Mark-- only if TJ were to change some would he be welcome by me(which is meaninless as I am just one of many members)-- but being a leopard, spot changing is unlikely.

All my neg reps have come from TJ ( a fact I care almost nothing about) oddly he had plus repped me many more times and did so sometimes the same or next day after a neg rep.

But I do admit I miss the OLD TJ- we were close friends for a long time- I DID not change--I am the same as I always have been- so make from that whatever you like.

MAC-- you have a gifted way with words--a pleasure to read every post and thread.
You remind me very much of Dave ( you even look a little alike--(twins seperated at birth??lol)
OK... I'll bite... What is PC or did you hit the "C" key
instead of the "L" key....:whistle:

"politiquement correct"

You remind me very much of Dave ( you even look a little alike--(twins seperated at birth??lol)

Oh God! The awful truth is now out. Yes, indeed Dave and I are illegitimate twin bastard brothers born from separate mothers as twins themselves they were.

Edit: Okay I've got to take a break . . . this is just so stressfull . . . Ya'll play nice while I'm gone :na:
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PC = politically correct... sheesh Jerry... lol!

It's a term for smoothing the truth over, or bending it, (or just outright lying) in the interest of not hurting anyone's feelings/pissing them off/etc...

PC is a diversion from reality, nothing more.
T_J has no place here IMO
He was given many second chances in the past which he didn't take advantage of.
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TJ was a bigger asset to this forum then 90% of people in this thread put together.
He has every place and right to be here. Just because people are a bunch of freaking cry babies they say no no no. GET OVER IT!

TJ flamed me so hard for the first 6 months I was hear, neg repping me , blah blah blah, this and that. WHO GIVES A SHIT. If the person being "flamed" has any backbone or a pair of balls he can stand up for himself or get over it.

Seriously people get over it, TJ was a straight shooter, and one that was NEEDED here.

I'm done with this topic, I will only vote to bring TJ back and the real Dave because it was better with them. But I am still sad to see madmacmo go (if he does). Your posts are better than any papers I write in college.
I vote, Jeff (Flaminpyro) is a cool guy, Mark (TJ) also, I don´t know what was going on but this is a 99%-male forum, so arguments are preprogrammed.

I vote, unban TJ and people should learn to use the block-user-feature

I vote, stop the mass-sales of hosts which were analyzed, elaborated and presented to the forum.

I vote for getting back lazeerer, rhd, daguin and some others with these changes.

There are a lot of ways to make this forum more interesting and a better place to stay again.
I vote for getting back lazeerer, rhd, daguin and some others with these changes.

I'm trying to stay out of this, but out of curiosity what does Lazeerer and RHD have to do with this?

Also, what's Dave got to do with this?

Okay, where do we go to from here? I say it simply, unban TJ and let him and Dave get back to business. Everyone that has a problem with that can either man up by developing the integrity that comes with getting your buttons calibrated against personal attack, else if not I really don’t care what you do.
I'm trying to stay out of this, but out of curiosity what does Lazeerer and RHD have to do with this?

Also, what's Dave got to do with this?

Dave took heavy fire from a few whiney people for "protecting TJ" also a member or two blatantly trolled Dave and Mark.
God How I Absolutely Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning! I just got back from a long over due therapy session, and I am now good to go for damn sure!

The best part is the tag team rub down these smokin full auto babes do for ya after you empty your mag . . . :cool:



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Mac you are having some good times in Vegas but remember not every thing stays in Vegas. Careful with the babes ;)
IE IE Won't You Come Out to Play . . .
Double Down There Boy, Tell Me What You Say . . .

I'll play nice and never lie twice . . .
Numerous times I have fought for TJ, some of you will remember the incident a while back, and if you don't, then don't bother asking because I'm not going to explain it.

The bottom line is TJ's banning was Avery's decision.

I was attacked by TJ too, and you know what? A day later we were talking to each other in PM peacefully. I too agree that some people need to man up and just deal what's thrown to you on the internet. It's some damn pixels on your screen for gods sake, and people seriously lose sleep over this shit? I know my 6 year old cousin could deal with it better than some people.

Oh, and look at THIS:



Sorry about the rant, and as a mod I always try to remain as calm as possible, but people getting pissed off over the internet shits me to no end. I know people who have committed suicide because of a few words on their screen, and just wish they had the balls to just put it past them and get on with a happy life.

This is one of those things were I think the actions were totally unfair, as they were applied to only 1 side of the issue, which is why I'm risking my reputation with this post, and I can see why Mac is too. People need to stop being such pussies, man up and just get the fuck over it. THe next time someone at work calls you a douchebag, are you gonna go break down over it and cry? Why do it for pixels on a screen?
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I ask only two things of you.
1) Full edititorial license within my last post before my permanent banning
2) To let me have IE to do with as I wish.

All else remains yours. The pleasure of your acquaintance and what you have provided with your nurturing and devotion is and will continuiue to be a source of remarkable innovation and discovery, and for both I am deeply grateful my friend.

Okay a 3rd request, sorry . . . please consider your servant TJ as the toils of his labor served you and all of us well.
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^^^this thank you THINGS

sure things piss you off for example electrofreak and i had a piss match not too long ago. but neither of us emailed avery or complained to mods or any of that childish crap. we just argued and bitched at eachother. then we got the fuck over it

its that simple
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The issue of the ignore feature has been brought up repeatedly.

It would be wonderful if a person were able to ignore another forum member, and know that he in turn would be ignored by said member. That is if the two could not come to a mutual coexistence where the two could interact together productively.

Problem is TJ is/was incapable of using it. Even when supposedly directed to do so by the mods.

Insert your user name into any of the following statements;

________ is a loser.
________ is an asshole.
________ is an idiot.
________ is a kike.
________ is a removed.
________ is a homo.
________ is a retard.
________ random insult.

Would you feel comfortable ignoring a member who engages in flat out libel against you, for no apparent reason, other than his own perverse enjoyment?

Would you feel the need to repudiate any falsehoods presented against you?

Or would you simply ignore said person, and allow them to attack you?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I do not subscribe to the philosophy of turning the other cheek. If someone attacks me, I attack back.

Unfortunately this leads to the much ballyhooed forum drama, and censorship.

All my neg reps have come from TJ

Heh, I used to get a neg rep from him almost on schedule.

He was given many second chances in the past which he didn't take advantage of.

Which goes to the simple question of fair play. Would one set of rules apply to TJ, and another to all other members of the forum.

IE IE Won't You Come Out to Play . . .
Double Down There Boy, Tell Me What You Say . . .

I'll play nice and never lie twice . . .

Mac, the options you present are not fair ones.

I would be incredibly sorry to see you leave LPF, and hope you reconsider. I greatly enjoy reading your posts, and your sense of humor. The linguistic flair with which you present your arguments is second to none.

I voted to maintain the status quo.

If there was option 3 I would select that option instead.

So please allow me to propose Option 3.

1) You stay.
2) Civility, and mature discourse are maintained, but without the false veneer of political correctness.
3) TJ stays banned.
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