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Absolutely No One Ever Deserves to be Hatefully & Mercilessly Trolled

Please Take Carefull Thought and Choose Well

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LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
I wish to postulate two things I think to be fairly accurate perceptions of human nature.
1) We Can’t Get Along
a) That the majority of us are going to find a significant percentage of the other of us with which we are not only unable to get along with, but moreover there will be an even smaller subset of people with which we will most assuredly detest (ultimately so I believe because these detestable individuals know just how to punch our buttons).
b) And for those with whom we do find ourselves to be compatible and with whom we will often form the closest bonds and commitments, ultimately and periodically even with these closest our friends and of our mates we inevitably reach a point of plotting to kill the other – though thankfully and rarely it is most often nothing more than a passing thought in a heated moment – but none the less this exact human trait maintains high entertainment rating regardless of the media with which it is delivered.
2) We Love all Things Human Drama
Moreover, not only can we not get enough of it, we feed off of it at every opportunity. We savor the fight, the lack mercy shown the deserving victim, and the piling on for the kill. Not to mention the (admitted or not) sordid rush we get from our voyeurism, of being there to see first person the tearing of emotional flesh, and hover about within the emotional splatter zone. That the near vast majority of us derive wanton pleasure when witnessing overt confrontation in both real life and in entertainment is to me an obvious given.

Dealing with Conflict
Some of my closest friends (banal cliché et al) over the years have been some very refined assholes of their own right. Whether we went to school together, worked together, or just hung out, I found they very effectively kept me from taking myself too seriously as their caustic interaction devoid of boundaries and their having no consideration whatsoever for anything sacred allowed me to learn simple and basic things about myself and others:
1) How not to let others punch my buttons
2) How to cut to the core of the issue in any confrontation
3) And most importantly my continued fondness for and association with these jerks and dick heads continuously keeps me honest

Okay here is where I get back to the thread title – this my rant against the supposition that no one is ever deserving of trolling or what I absolutely loath to see now expressed as “Hated On”, or “Haters gona Hate”. I find this to be the clear and ever righteously near ubiquitously proclaimed mantra of the It’s All About Me! (I AAM!) advancing hoard of character deficit individuals. I am compelled to say most emphatically and forcefully WTF and Why at every level of logic, reason, and of what impossibly contrived positive benefit do the rest of us put up with this affront to common sense for this all encompassing up-to-our-chins inundation of a toxic flood of Political Correctness that now mires every encounter, every social interaction at every level of personal, political, religious, and ill religious expression. I can only speak for myself; however I wish to go on record to state unequivocally that I sincerely believe that anyone who acts or presents themselves in an I AAM! manner should not only be trolled (chastised, ridiculed, shamed, etc) but they should expect to be without cessation for as long as they portray themselves as stupid, clueless, egotistical, self-centered and entitled brats (at or of any age).

Many of us know that over on WL anyone bashing their product, sponsors, or mods are banned without flair or formality in a futile attempt to protect their worthlessness. It should be readily evident to all how the rigid enforcement against free thought and candid questions (not to mention the libelous post content re-writes) keeps the WL forum not only insanely dumbed down, but most totally disconnected from reality, physics, and or any measure of individual or collective intelligence.

Conversely on PL the trigger happy attacks, excessive trolling, and the shit-on-you just for grins tactics that are dished out almost with indifference have done nothing but concentrate the toxicity of that forum environment effectively choking off birthing of new ideas, free expression of thought, and moreover starving themselves of the much needed new blood of new members. They do so I assume to protect and ensure that all within their midst walk in lock step with their rigid perspective and vision of what they think their laser craft should be. Thus they seem to lack much of the ingenuity and benefit of the ever looking for outside the box mindset that so many here within our midst do so and do so with flair. They only whisper the benefit that we provide for testing new diodes, drivers, and builds; all the while looking down at us laser- pointers as if we are far beneath their class and technical refinement.

Disclaimer: Note very carefully that I use “they” in the form of the sense of the PL collective and not by any means indicative of any or even a majority of the individuals inclusive or exclusive, as there are many of those on PL for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration, where also I readily acknowledge more than a few of the PL creme de la creme are prized members here in fine standing with us, as well.

In summary so far, and forgive me if I skip a few dots and just slash right to the points I wish to make here:
1) People innately don’t get along – so why should we be surprised when fights break out on the forums
2) When fights break out: a. We absolutely love it when directed at someone else; b. It sucks big time when you are the target and you can’t keep your buttons from being pushed
3) Assholes perform a necessary function in personal development and integrity building
4) Repeat cycle 2b to 3 until you get your buttons effectively calibrated

So what “product” or “collective vision” are we protecting? You would have to be beyond mentally deficit not to have noticed the thick PC blanket that has now settled in our internet societal collective, where there now is great and readily evident reluctance to "outright personal attack". Ban Fear has truly become the elephant sitting in every thread and in every forum.

Let me speak now that for whence I came and for the anathema that it most certainly may be:
It was not a win for the forums when TJ was banned and Dave was relegated to the sidelines.(Dave, if this is not the case then let me now apologize; however me thinks indeed there is verily something most rotten in Denmark.) There it is, and I have said it
Note: I have already passed on my personal e-mail address to those having GBs in progress with which I am participating so the event of my banning will not impede me from fulfilling my obligations.

I acknowledge TJ crossed the line repeatedly and probably deserved a dose of medicine for sure. I know also of the organized movement to have him banned. I know the movement still thinks they were right, and I still respect them as individuals and their right to their opinion.

However, what about the silent majority? Avery – you’ve got access to the data and you would know that number representing the sum total of individuals having given TJ positive feedback over and over again repeatedly. I wager it must be 100s of individuals, bestowed upon TJ the +Rep for which he so duly earned.

TJ and Dave both kept the wolves out with their incredible innate ability to smell them through their often smooth skillfully sociopathic tactics for attempted deceitful gain. They locked in on them like radar and these slugs never knew what hit them, as they repeatedly and reliably divined them out by punching their buttons without fail until they manipulated them into showing their true colors for all of the rest of us to see and be forewarned.

Moreover TJ kept the useless, clueless, and “I wana buy a 5$ burning lasor” drivel at bay and for any and all of us that took it on the nose from TJ in like manner when we first got here, then it was by our drive and determination that we shut up, read up, honed our skills, and then when we came back we owed much to TJ for our forcing us to develop the knowledge, skill and integrity to do the work ourselves.

So what is the product or collective vision that is which we are sustaining by having excommunicated TJ and muted Dave that must be so protected by threatening everyone else that may be perceived as being mean and not playing nice so that no one ever will get their feelings hurt? My belief is it is banning of integrity itself from within our midst. For all those of you that rejoiced when TJ was banned, I hate to be the one to tell you but it was at best a hollow victory for you. With TJ gone, all those buttons of yours that he so deftly punched are still there for the next asshole to punch until you get him banned, and then the one after him, ad infin item.

Okay, where do we go to from here? I say it simply, unban TJ and let him and Dave get back to business. Everyone that has a problem with that can either man up by developing the integrity that comes with getting your buttons calibrated against personal attack, else if not I really don’t care what you do.

So far as managing fights, Do Not Make Avery be the Bad Guy! This is his forum and we browse here at his pleasure. Mods it’s up to you to make the fighters take it to PMs, and to keep PMs PRIVATE. Worst case, just enforce DMZs between any individual or group of individuals where they can’t post handgrenades at each in the same or different threads. And please don’t permaban anymore Vets. Ultimately those individuals that can’t quit fighting need simply be convinced it’s in their best interest to leave. And that is why you need a good asshole or two standing by to get that job done.

The instructions for voting:

Option 1 – Maintain Status Quo

Option 2 – Unban TJ and let the real Dave stand up (albeit if he so chooses)

I also wish to put my money where my mouth is with the following associated contingencies with each respective option:

Option 1 – In so being the choice of the forum (and ultimately by you there Avery, my friend) – I will request the immediate, irrevocable, and permanent banning of myself

Option 2 – If thereby the decision is the unbanning of TJ – I will pledge to contribute one month’s full goal target amount – I will also request the immediate, irrevocable, and permanent banning of myself

Avery, I will let you decide how long to leave the poll open; however me thinks it should be a week or less.

IE, no hard feelings intended. The GIFs were a hoot for sure. Anytime you get a hankering to meet up in Vegas let me know and we’ll do the town up right. I may be an old fart, but wave a bit of cash and the girls don't seem to even notice.

Jeff, you’re a good guy for sure. I know TJ misses the friendship you both shared times past. Life is too short to hold grudges. Know for sure it is not the enemies outside we have vanquished which makes us strong, rather it is the demons inside us which we have conquered that give us peace.

And yes, my dog has been reading this drivel over my shoulder this whole time. He is telling me it is way past time to post, and that merely and simply he still thinks I figgin nuts. :D
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(Crap! - with it off the paper and onto the screen its decidedly not quite ready yet - let me fix it - brb)

option 1... i mean 2. um.... true? or maybe possibly? sometimes?

just what are you asking?

it depends...

there is no such thing as an absolute.
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If you ask me, a simple competency certificate would be a good way to ensure lasers aren't misused by idiots who should know better.

Case in point, we had an aircraft get lased over here by a muppet, thanks to that we can't now legally own green pointers any more :-(

(Crap! - with it off the paper and onto the screen its decidedly not quite ready yet - let me fix it - brb)


I've chosen well....
I think Mac may have finally and completely lost it....:crackup::crackup:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I've chosen well....
I think Mac may have finally and completely lost it....:crackup::crackup:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics


FYI - I damn well for sure lost it a long time ago. :beer:

Now the rest of youse guys don't get your panties in a wad and go voting yet before I can get the instructions fully parsed and re-posted. Believe me this is some serious shit and i assure you won't want to have your vote cast only to realize your name will be forever associated with the wrong choice. :whistle:
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What exactly are we voting on? :thinking: Maybe he was asked one to many times which goggles....:crackup:
Maybe this is part of some reverse pseudo-psychology experiment where he purposely flubs the poll, hence inviting the trolling upon himself from the likely subjects - us... :thinking:
/ :tinfoil:

Sorry guys, had to catch an early flight to Las Vegas this morning and it will be late this evening before getting back at it - please feel free to flame away at me in the mean time for my obvious faux pas until I am able to fully remedy what I assure you only appears at present to be evidence of my abject ineptitude.:angel:

Okay I got my ass to Vegas just fine, now I will get back to work without distraction . . .
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flame away..? no sir, just having a little fun with this mysterious, curiosity inducing conspiracy pot-stirring poll of yours :D


I've chosen well....
I think Mac may have finally and completely lost it....:crackup::crackup:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics

I think Jerry hit the nail on the head (So to speak):crackup: You know the one who has the problem is the last to know:crackup:

Sorry Mac I had to poke some fun too.
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