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Absolutely No One Ever Deserves to be Hatefully & Mercilessly Trolled

Please Take Carefull Thought and Choose Well

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Okay, so I got side tracked right off the bat seeing this add for a Transvestite Showgirl Review with No Cover . . . hmm . . . all nude gals from Transylvania . . .

In addition, I decided I better look up some of my friends first, cause I know how pissed they get if I don’t.

Yesiree Bob, Something about Vegas just gives me a Woody . . . :evil:

I ran into my friend Gus that I only met once before. Guy’s got a mind like a steel trap, remembered me right off the bat from when he threw my broke ass out of Ceasars back in April. :yabbem:

Had a good visit with the Mices, and Mickey told me the damndest thing. He said he was divorcing Minnie. I told him he couldn’t divorce her simply because she’s crazy. He said, and I quote, “I didn’t say she was crazy . . . I said she was f**cking Goofy!” :shhh:

Yup, trouble always seem to find me pretty quick . . . umm . . . there is just something about a handsome woman in uniform . . . got her talked into giving me her number but either she wrote it down wrong or there must be several ways to dial 800-eat-d**k and I just haven’t got the right combination of numbers yet. :mad:

Yep, I gotta get tickets to see those Transylvania babes.

And no, I have not forgotten my obligation with having started this damn thread and I will get it finished alright, I promise :beer:
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Time to trash the thread I guess? :D
Cy, I emphatically, categorically, and indelibly resemble that remark and definitely, yes, most definitely.

Edit: I am just going to say this and never to discuss it again . . . I just got back from that show with those poor Transylvanian girls . . . and the effects from the Chernobyl fallout were so much worse than any of us could have imagined. I am now going cry myself to sleep knowing full well the horror of the nightmares that will follow.
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I thought I was the only one that saw the full picture.

I agree with every word you put to paper.. so to speak..

It is still difficult to choose Option 1 or Option 2 because it
entails you getting banned either way.

I have a hard time making a choice when there is no choice.

Option 1 – In so being the choice of the forum (and ultimately by you there Avery, my friend) – I will request the immediate, irrevocable, and permanent banning of myself

Option 2 – If thereby the decision is the unbanning of TJ – I will pledge to contribute one month’s full goal target amount – I will also request the immediate, irrevocable, and permanent banning of myself

Without your personal banning requests in both options it
would have been easy to choose one option and vote.
I'll have no part in choosing to lose another asset from this
Forum community...:undecided:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Without your personal banning requests in both options it would have been easy to choose one option and vote.
I'll have no part in choosing to lose another asset from this
Forum community...:undecided:


My fate hinges not on yours or anyone's vote as that choice is exclusively mine and of my free will which I decided before having made this thread. Just as that which compelled me to say what I felt needed be said of needs requires me to remove myself so as not to become the shifted focal point of any further vendetta so that it should be painless should the status quo be chosen to remain. Conversely should Avery chose the second option, it would be within his right to refuse my request if he were to be so inclined.:shhh:
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I do not know the OP, but I've seen T_J's deeds. He was a troll. And he did what your title advocates against. It's gotten much quieter here recently and can't help but draw parallels.

P.S. If you are so determined to leave don't announce it for the whole forum to see instead "man up" and leave or take a brake, "else if not I really don’t care what you do"
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TJ was an asset to the forum.
I will not vote to ban you either way, but I want TJ back.
He did more for this forum than harm to the cry babies.

The cry babies will always cry about some big mean jerk. TJ was a good guy.
I do not know the OP, but I've seen T_J's deeds. He was a troll. And he did what your title advocates against. It's gotten much quieter here recently and can't help but draw parallels.

P.S. If you are so determined to leave don't announce it for the whole forum to see instead "man up" and leave or take a brake, "else if not I really don’t care what you do"

unfortunately I can't agree to your assumptions of a
quieter Forum. I've seen no such change since Tech_Junkie
has been gone. The Forum is and has been as uneventful as
ever. (Troll speaking)

I also question how much of T_J's deeds that you actually
saw since you have been away from the Forum since Nov 17
2010 and only recently rejoined us on July 11 2012.

I've barely missed logging in each day since Sept 2009 and
I've seen it all including T_J's backroom efforts to keep the
Forum free of scammers, spammers and undesirables.

Looking at the big picture... T_J was an asset to the Forum.
I miss his humorous wit and always shooting from the hip
with no added BS.. His words always rang true...IMO


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Hey Mac This is not a fair vote. I miss Mark (T_J) and would love to have him back. He had a job to do here and was very good at it! But now I am getting to know you Sir are also a huge asset to this community. Please help us by changing the vote. And as far as assholes go they every were in life but at least here you choose to ignore them. So once again please change the vote we don't need to lose another.
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Hey Mac This is not a fair vote. I miss Mark (T_J) and would love to have him back. He had a job to do here and was very good at it! But now I am getting to know you Sir are also a huge asset to this community. Please help us by changing the vote. And as far as assholes go they every were in life but at least here you choose to ignore them. So once again please change the vote we don't need to lose another.

John 15:13 . . .

I can not and will not change the vote - to do so would be a lack of integrity on my part. Anything less woulld not be testament to the respect I have for TJ and Dave.

Edit: alright, I give it to be a friggin laughable stretch of epic proportions between my actual life and this pseudo-internet faux reality, but hey I can take whatever editorial license I wish as this is my damn thread, so sue me!
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OK you will be hearing from my lawyer

Tell him he will have to take a number, that 1st in line are those lodging criminal complaints and right now the civil complaint line looks to be down the street and just now filling in around the corner. :yabbem:
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