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Absolutely No One Ever Deserves to be Hatefully & Mercilessly Trolled

Please Take Carefull Thought and Choose Well

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Aug 3, 2012
Know for sure it is not the enemies outside we have vanquished which makes us strong, rather it is the demons inside us which we have conquered that give us peace.

The above is the root to almost all the problems we see in the world.

Well you started it with a formulation. Does not seem anybody answered you in the way you expressed yourself. All right, here goes.

Trolling is freedom of expression. Then again I am sure TJ was also expressing himself. I have zero opinion in this matter since I personally have not spoken to the guy. Hearsay means zippo to me. I am against any kind of censorship but I do understand that bickering can be disruptive. Maybe tossing the treads into a corner called “kindergarten” solution?

About being “PC”

What we call “PC” is actually neo-cultural Marxism. What did we called PC before the word became a trendy word? Not that long ago it was called moral! "Act like us or we will make your life a hell" Stalin said in the future there will be fewer but better Russians. You better be POLITICALLY correct. Good that his PC is not valid atm. But we all know forums are not like that in this democratic world ;)

The root of being “PC”

Why do we “need” to be “PC” … fear/insecurity of repercussions of some sort. Fear of hell, fear of loosing your job, fear of excommunication ...etc. FEAR that YOU might be teated in that way yourself! Why do we care? Insecurity again! If you say “because it the right thing to do” who told you that? Your teachers in school? I can think for myself. I follow the doctrine of objectivity. I am leaving religion out of this.

"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people" LOL

In the end the only thing that has any “value” on this tiny lonely insignificant planet is that we have each other.

What are morals aka PC

What are “morals” (not a Rand vs Immanuel Kant rant). My views … sry if its not PC =)

Morals are just very local nodes in the fluctuations of a society as it propagates though time. The evolution of morals is not only seen as a product of time. Just go to another country….like Iran. You will see just how relative everything really is. What is moral here is not moral there, what is moral now is not moral them.

Morals and ethics are BS. A collective mind fcuk. A general consensus of a certain train of thought in a society that is based on human insecurity. The goal is make the minority more predictable to lessen the majority’s insecurity. The price is the individual’s sprite and a society that will solidify in its evolution.

My reality is just as valid as yours. Other people are not my origo on right and wrong. I am the epicenter of my on perception and thus create my own reality as I perceive the world around me. I am my own absolute ... just as each individual is theirs. So how do we make this world a better place? Tolerance! Keep an open mind (just not so much your brain falls out) and the world becomes a rich dynamic interesting place. A good place to start is be the change you want to see in the world!

All the best
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Nov 7, 2008
Wow.. um. Gonna have to get back to you on that one. Kind of a lot there.......

P.S. Is this thread breaking the forum? It's taking forever to load..


Aug 3, 2012
LOL, yeah. Sorry about that. A beer to many =) BTW the loading thing has to do with post 101 being a few thousand blank lines.
Mar 23, 2011
I've placed my vote and as it's results are public so you all can figure out how I feel. While I still check in frequently my participation in this forum has slowed down.

Frankly my interest in lasers is on the decline in favor of other hobbies but the forum seems much more quite since his banning and I don't mean that in a good way. His posts may be seen as trolling but they were at least entertaining and kept me wanting to read more.
Mar 23, 2011
Yeah it causes my mobile Safari to crash. Had to switch to the PC and it's still taking this thing to it's knees. It would be nice if a mod would step in and edit that crap out.

My earlier reply would have been longer and little more thoughtful if I wasn't so dang pissed off over the inane browser crashing graphics. :gun:


Jul 26, 2010
This thread does not need to exist in the first place. No meaningful replies are necessary. I'm unsubscribing :)
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Oct 23, 2007


LPF Founder / Admin
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Mar 17, 2006
Regarding TJ, there was a period where I was literally getting several messages a day about people upset with him, and drama in general related to him.

Since he was banned, I have barely received any complaints about fighting / drama on LPF.

I do not realistically see him being able to return because I feel like the same problems will just happen again.

My thought process regarding the issue is as follows:

1) user perspective: is LPF more enjoyable with less fighting and drama in general since the ban? (please email me with your thoughts, I am always open to feedback)

2) admin perspective: is LPF more enjoyable with less fighting and drama in general since the ban? (yes)

People perceive things differently so want to make sure I am always getting as much "valid data" as possible before making decisions. Based on what I was hearing before it was pretty clear that people were unhappy.

Please do email me though if you think I am missing stuff. Feedback is always welcomed.

Enjoy the forum, all

Best Regards
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