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FrozenGate by Avery


Drag Racing, Guitar, Lasers!
February 28
Navarre, Fl
Loadmaster USAF


405nm Lazerer Polished Rifle 688mW
445nm Kryton Groove 1.6W~Sinner 3.3W
450nm Guidesman 1.2W
457.9nm ML Argon
473nm PL-E Pro 15mW
476.5nm ML Argon
488nm Uniphase Multi-Line Argon 48mW/73mW in current control;
496.5nm ML Argon
501.7nm ML Argon
514.5nm ML Argon
532nm SkyRay King Gre3n 35mW/60mW/70mW~Phobos Fasttech 70mW~Optotronics RPL-500 450mW~JetLasers Ti B 170mW
543.5nm Bare tube HeNe ~3mW (Nightstand lamp)
632.8nm Bare tube HeNe ~3mW~Bare tube HeNe Multimode 12mW (Desk Lamp)
638nm Mrcrouse Custom 650mW
658nm wannaburnstuff baby shower gift? 127mW
808nm Coherent CCP 10W

"Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you"
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."


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