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  • I see now that anyone can read these--sending Gmail instead
    Okay thanks Len! I am trying to adapt to the new features of the forum at the moment. :)
    with this new forum--I am wondering if
    'conversations' are the same as PMs
    I need to tell you something wonderful.
    Sorry i havenot been here in the forum for quite a while. Hope everyone is doing well. Pls feel free to email me at jetlasers at gmail.com. thanks! -- gray:yh:
    Soccer Manager Forum - View Profile: Spam
    View Profile: mysoorkar - AlloyAvenue network
    - Sí que lo es.
    - Es tu compañera?
    - Cómo lo has notado?
    - A suerte. (ríe)
    Tengo a Cheli a dos palmos, le acaricio los pechos, la beso... Se acerca la francesita. Cheli ronronea. La bollycao empieza a acariciarla.
    - No le gustan las
    View Profile: Bill Toomey - AlloyAvenue network
    Soccer Manager Forum - View Profile: Zakkoo
    ue hay sobre mi nave.
    Una de las francesitas está despierta, me mira sonriendo; veo que observa lo mismo que yo y se recrea en la espectacular belleza de Cheli. Me dice...
    - Es una magnífica hembra (femelle)
    - Sí que lo es.
    New guy joined 'Shadowbass' he wants to make an order--sending him a link to you. hak
    Gray-- are you OK??
    your last time here was LONG ago--
    Last Activity: 08-23-2014 06:11 AM
    and no reply to my question on address to send your package--I am worried about you==Len
    Gray. I have received your messages but I curently cannot do anything since i am in France visiting my dad. I Will get back ASAP.
    Gray, this review is long over due. I purchased and received the PL-E Pro 800W 532 nm. It's adjustable, came with a holster, carrying case and defraction grating, along with 5 lenses. I also bought the a/c adapter. This laser is fantastic! I received the silver version, but Gray included the black handles, so when holding it it looks like a samurai sword. It works like it feels, strong, on the heavier side and the beam couldn't be more beautiful. It focuses to a round pinpoint to a round 1/4in. and it burns holes in my clothe window curtains from across the room. I did test it, but it didn't get over 584mW, but when I emailed Gray I received an immediate response. My house was too cold and I hadn't let the laser warm up. I don't have my LPM now, but should have the new 7W LaserBee!! with all new programming and Ophir Sensor any day now and I'm sure I'll be getting high readings. Gray is one in a million and I'll be buying from him often! Thank you, Sir!
    For approximately 3-4 days, Gray and I have had the opportunity to communicate often regarding my purchase of a PL-E Pro 532nm 800mW. I expect delivery tomorrow. That would be two(2) days from purchase. I am very impressed not only with delivery, but Gray has been exceptional in taking care of clients. I know I'm not his only, yet he always finds the time to respond to me ASAP. I'll have much more to say when I receive the laser. Thanks, Mr. Gray ;)
    TI_B 降价了!降到 150mw + 电池+ 充电器 = $191.99 !!!!!! :drool::drool::angel:;):san::yh::D:thanks::eek:
    This almost looks like a rip off of your Ti-b doesn't it: LZCR - 532nm 200mW High Power DPSS Green Laser Pointer :crackup:
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