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Your Opinion? bans- when should they be permanent??

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Apr 2, 2009
The best way is probably on a case by case basis, but I wondered what the general consensus is when a temp banned member tries to sneak back in before thier temp (30 day) ban is over or gets banned again for the same or similar violation of the TOS??

IMO a temp ban has a second chance built into it-and that should go away if a second violation occurs.

dos centavos anyone?
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Watch out coherent there is an unacceptable language rule in effect! Haha I'm just kidding. I think people who pick on other peoples posts and who are just flat out rude need to get warned not to pick fights or start arguments just because they don't like your post or think your opinion is stupid. But that's just me, not good etiquette
IMO a temp ban has a second chance built into it-and that should go away if a second violation occurs.
I agree.
A ban is an opportunity to think about what one has done wrong.
If, upon expiration of the ban, the improvement is nowhere to be found,
I say permaban, let him lurk forevar.

So he can still get all the info he needs, without being able to annoy everyone.
In some places, for "normal" violations (too much posts with bad language, minor issues, small fight / drama that is not too bad, and so on), there is a 3-steps escalation ..... after warnrigs from admin, 7 days ban -> 30 days ban -> permaban.

Ofcourse, there are also cases that can require an immediate permaban, same as cases that don't require a ban also if normally it can be used ..... as example, trying to disrupt the forum, try to scam all the users, personal attacks against another user with the use of "bloody" offenses and language and disclosure of personal details, and so on, can require an immediate permaban, where instead, always as example, you can give a temp ban to an English user that insist to write in "idiotic" language (AKA "SMS language" :p) and intentionally use incorrect words in all the posts, but at the same time you cannot logically do the same with a foreign user that use bad English just cause don't know it good, and other similar situations ..... all these cases are matter of personal interpretation from the admin, imho.

I suppose that c0ld can use the same system, if he want ..... warnings -> 7days -> 30days -> permaban (AKA "banhammer40K" :p) ..... it's not (and cannot be) seen as a "nazi" set of rules, and at the same time, it gives enough "advice" to the guilty ones .....
I like HIMNL9's idea - 3 strikes (like in base-ball) and your out.

That system gives the offender a chance to redeem, and if the 7 day ban doesnt serve as a warning, the 30 day ban will, and if that doesnt work, the permaban will give them "well, we warned ya"

Its like a Williams brand pinball machine. Shake it too much, and it makes a horrible noise and flashes warning. Shake it more, and it makes and even more horrid noise and flashes danger. Continue to shake it (to cheat in the game) and you get a tilt. All bonuses loss, plus the ball in play. Too bad if that's your last ball... GAME OVER :)

An exception to the rule would be spammers, either permaban them if they dont explain their actions, or if they apologise and didnt realise its not nice forum ettique to spam; and their post had relevance to the topic (e.g. guy spams my thread offering a green labby, and my post is about which green lab module to buy), put them on security watch, and advise them if they do it again they'll be turfed out.
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I go for the 3 strikes, but it should also depend on what the infraction is.
If its just an annoying little scroat , permaban straight away, but some people have been banned recently (mentioning no names) , who are beyond a doubt a total asset to the forum....its a bit of a tricky one.
What is your opinion specifically on a temp banned member sneaking back on using a new name--part of what I asked in the OP.
It depends on the quality of the poster and what else they've contributed to the forum IMO. If they're a long time contributing member then some leniency is called for. They might just be having a bad day or something.

If it's a new member and they immediately start causing trouble/starting fights/trolling/spamming and posting rubbish in general then kick em out the door after a warning. Some posters like Wesdaman and a few others have been trouble right from the start and others are just stupid trolls who post ridiculous things in the safety section trying to stir up trouble.
I would go for a Permanent Ban if a member is caught using a new account while the Temporary Ban was still in effect for the original account.
Anyone that is not INTENTIONALLY evil deserve a second chance, imho.

Ofcourse, there are exceptions, but is for this that mods and admin exists, and we don't have an automated system, right ? :p

I mean, do errors in "good faith", or for ignorance, and you deserve some possibility to learn and become better ..... try to intentionally scam, disrupt the forum, cause personal problems, post death threats and very offensive language/namecalls without reasons, and then no, you don't deserve a second chance ..... and this can be decided only from forum owner and mods "council" (nonpolitical :p) case by case (after all, is for this that exists also the report button :whistle:)
I would think at the very least- the offending member should upon second offense-if allowed back be forced to then use thier 'new' name and the postcount that comes with it. But thier rep should stay with them if less than zero and the rep comments should still be shown.
If someone goes through the trouble of signing up a new account just to evade a ban, the person should be permabanned. Evasion should always result in a ban.

I do have some issues with the bans on this forum though. Technically, the problem with this forum compared to some other forums like the Something Awful forums, is that there is no "probation" designation for a user, with a countdown timer to to them how long the ban is. Rather it just shows "banned" and who knows how long that'll be, or if it's permanent. A probation designation would let the person and others know that the punishment is temporary, and also let others know for how long. A reason under the name would be nice too.

I also don't like how there is no information about how or why someone is banned, so that we can see what the reasoning is behind it. One moment someone is an active member, the next he/she is permanently banned and the offending posts wiped. It'd be nice to have a record.
Basically Bionic-Badger already said it:
I also don't like how there is no information about how or why someone is banned, so that we can see what the reasoning is behind it. One moment someone is an active member, the next he/she is permanently banned and the offending posts wiped. It'd be nice to have a record.

I like history, and I believe erasing history, no matter if it is good or bad, is always a bad idea.

If a member is banned let the threads stay (unless it's just repetitive spam).

It would be kind of nice to have a reason for why a member is banned, but I'm sure some mods would want to avoid this at all costs so they don't have to explain their actions.
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