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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Hey, I just gotta ask. Your avatar (the one with the burning hand and mechanical face) where is that from? its creepy = \
    Hey HIMNL9
    Thankyou so much for helping me out over the Christmas period regarding the high current test load ile soon be producing, Your one in a million & get my up most respect!
    Thanks Mate:friend:
    I'm looking for a 445nm 1.6w-2w laser, anything special you have and willing to export. Regards, nanolaser
    Oh ok... I think what I meant was if an inductor resists change in current, it would resist the initial current provided by the PSU, resulting in a sort of short current "ramp up" feature. Does that sound about right?
    @ Meatball: for DC voltage, inductors are like a piece of wire ..... they don't stabilize the current, in fact, so no, sorry, it's not possible ..... anyway, they "flatten" spikes, this yes, so at least they can be useful for this, connected in series with LDs .....
    Hey why don't we put inductors in series with LDs? Would they not stabilize current, while the caps stabilize voltage?
    Buonasera Bruno!
    a parte il famoso led rosso...
    oggi girellando su you tube ho trovato dei video di un certo styropyro...eccezzionale, deve essere un genio come o quanto te...
    insomma, c'è un link su un sito che ha laser a prezzi direi piuttosto competitivi ed onesti, volevo sapere se hai mai acquistato li o cosa ne pensi:
    DealExtreme: Cool Gadgets at the Right Price - Site-Wide Free Shipping (Page 1)
    ho visto un laser red 200mw a penna...
    ne parlano bene, ..
    pensi che ci posso stare?
    Se capiti a firenze Caffe pagato!
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