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The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

I've been around since the end of the original Kryton GB. But I'm a tweaker and hobbyist, I'm not on here to make money, just to have a great host to put diodes in.

As long as we eventually get the product people should have patience and not complain. There wasn't a time limit on the group buy. Even though this has gone long, it's still coming to a conclusion. I guess if you are 16, a year seems a lot longer than when you're pushing 50.

I can understand complaints about quality, if those are the issues. But, he's given a date to ship of the 14th for those that are done. At least give him a chance to be good at his word!
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Some additional info for builders...

They made the hole too deep for the 405-G-1 lens to screw into on the focus adapter, so my builder made a spacer
to put in front of the lens to hold it out some or you couldn't focus the laser.
So the way it works is he made one that he thought was just a little long, he put that one in and focused the laser.
Then he looked at the gap between the body and the focus adapter, if the gap is say .100 wide he made a new
spacer that is .090 shorter than the first one and sure enough he hit it on the mark. The laser focuses fine now.




EDIT: Adding a pic of the Positive + battery terminal.

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That's some clean looking work there...

Hey just to chime in about the deeper theads. Another way to deal with that, is to use a very small amount of medium strength thread lock...

The final position of the focus adapter in relation to the front of the host, is determined by the lens position at focus. This gap can be adjusted by the module position inside the heatsink for most builds with an AixiZ module.

With some builds, like the Kryton, you do not have an AixiZ module to adjust the position.

So another way that would be very easy, is to thread the focus adapter deeper. That way when you thread it onto your lens, you can adjust the position of it, by how far you thread it onto your lens.

The only thing you will need to do, is use a very small amount of medium strength thread lock to set it's position on the lens.

The easiest way, is to have your lens installed into the laser with some Teflon tape on the threads so that it is 'snug'. And at normal focus.

Then, put a very small amount of medium strength thread lock onto the lens threads, and put the focus adapter onto the lens. Leaving just a minimal gap between the face of the host, and the back of the focus adapter. (a small gap is recommended in case you want to focus it in for a farther distance)

Then let it sit for 20 minutes or so, for the thread lock to cure.
Wait your focus adapter is that far off? You mean you need to use that spacer that is like half the size of the g1 lens.:thinking:
All technical questions should be directed to Jeff (Flaminpyro).
He has told me he will be happy to assist ;)
I wouldn't say it was off as the rest of the machining is fine by my eye, what I found was
the lens hole was drilled and tapped to deeply so I found a spacer was the best solution.
Yes the shorter of the two spacers in the photo goes in the focus adapter first then the
lens screws down on top if it, this put the focus adapter in the correct position and close
to the body when the beam is in focus about 25-30 feet away.
So if you changed lenses to a low power lens you will need a shorter spacer so the
lens would screw farther into the focus adapter this would allow for quick lens changes
if you needed to change it out, no waiting for something to dry and no messing
around trying to get it out with thread locker on it.
Don't get me wrong thread locker is good but I like this solution ;)

Wait your focus adapter is that far off? You mean you need to use that spacer that is like half the size of the g1 lens.:thinking:
That was done intentionally, you can use teflon to lock the lens in the focus adapter. The threads are cut a little bigger in the head so the lens rotates there instead of the focus adapter.

Remember, these hosts have to work with a large number of diode and lens configurations. I designed the focus adapter to fit any lens so some will fit deeper and some shallower.

As far as the switch, I discussed that with Ken but he wanted me to go with the original design so I did. If you need to trim the spacer to fit you should be able to slice it cleanly with a razor blade. I left a serrated finish on the outside to help cut square if that happened to be necessary. Also, cutting the nub off of the rubber click cover will free up some more room too.

And as far as "all the metal that came out" of the focus adapter, those threads were cut to 3B tolerances. If they are too tight then your lens is too big. The "tolerances" on aixiz lenses is non existent.

The focus adapter also has a groove for an o-ring but it doesn't look like Ken sent them with one. If you find one (I suggest a hardware store) it will tighten the focusing up a lot.
Ken, I still want my Krytons and extras I bought. I am pretty sure mine are finished and waiting shipping. I guess I will PM you to let you know that I still want them...

I was thinking the members needing to PM you should be the ones that want refunds, not the members that still want them.

Why? It is looking like the members that still want their grooves are in the majority and the refund members are in the minority. Just my 2 cents.
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I believe Kenom said he would be getting paid on
the 14th and would be able to send stuff out then...;)

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Iv waited for almost a year for this host so there was no question. Even though they were mistakenly anodized Im sure that they will look amazing in my hand :) This is my first laser build and I AM GLAD to have such an amazing host on the way to build it into.
To ken
If something comes up again this week, like no money for shipping. Just let us know. So we're not siting around the mail box, Thanks.
ken we had communication going via pm, what happened? where did you go? just disappearing is not ok. if you tell me to wait, i will. i just need to know. and i'm sure the same goes for most of the others.

I would still like to get my barrels and the extra focus adapter for my Groove mk1 that I paid for,.. I'm sure they'll be fine, if not they will still find a happy home :D
Well, I hope I am not being too expectant when I say today is the day!!!

Hopefully Ken will let us know if he really is shipping them out today.

I hope so...
Kenom, no offense but I would like a refund. I need to pay for my projector parts and I figured I have no use for another laser host( well not just a laser host but a piece of art too ). I have spare ones I can build lasers in them. If someone wants to get my kryton they are free to do so. I guess I want a refund for the kryton and the focus adapter. It's been a bit too long and I completely understand what you are going through and I wish you good luck but since you offered the option of refunds, I guess I can ask for one too.

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