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The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

OK, the few that I've already packaged get shipped today. I've still got a few that are done but need packaging. I'm sorry I've not responded, I've not even been online since my last posting. Not even to check my email. I have two refunds that are now being asked for so, I've got two barrels they had that are now up for grabs if anyone wants them. To make it easier, I'll have you send the money to them. PM me for info.

As to teh living off teh funds: I didn't have enough funds to live off of shy of the shippings fees. I paid what I got to pontiac for machining, purchased teh anodizing equipment, purchased bits and bobs and that left me my meager profit. I'm not doing this to make money guys. I'm doing this to get this host into folks hands. So, I couldn't spend what I didn't have. As I've done with all the things I sell, I purchase the parts with the money you give me, and that leaves me almost nothing to refund if you want a refund. I have to then sell it to someone else to get that money and have it sent to you instead of to myself. That's why I've never got "stock on hand" I've just never had teh money to get ahead like that. I do accept that I did wrongly spend the little profit I got for "living" and I should have kept that until this was completed but circumstances were dire when I used them.

OK so, silvershot has a blue marble it's up for grabs although it's not been anodized yet so you can specify your color choice. also has a focus adapter.

Designedfor1 also wants a refund and his was also bare. $75. This is also up for grabs.
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List of those going out today:


I have Seattlasers barrel ready to go however I am still waiting for the remaining payment and all attempts to contact have been met with silence. I will refund his partial payment in a week and offer it up if I haven't heard from him by that time.
Did you get my PM about my address change?!!!!!!!!

well i hope you did. if not i can pick it up from my old room mate.
Did you get my PM about my address change?!!!!!!!!

well i hope you did. if not i can pick it up from my old room mate.

Ooops, that one slipped by me. You'll wanna get in touch with that roommate.

Here is the receipt from the mailing today.

Now I'm going to have to go donate some more plasma to make some more $$ to ship some more.
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Ken, I still want my Krytons and extras I bought. I am pretty sure mine are finished and waiting shipping. I guess I will PM you to let you know that I still want them...

I was thinking the members needing to PM you should be the ones that want refunds, not the members that still want them.

Why? It is looking like the members that still want their grooves are in the majority and the refund members are in the minority. Just my 2 cents.

I agree. If you want your refund, PM me. I'll then post it up for grabs.
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Ok so I'm not on the list. When will the next batch go out kenom?
Or when will my kryton ship, 2 weeks?
OK, the few that I've already packaged get shipped today. I've still got a few that are done but need packaging. I'm sorry I've not responded, I've not even been online since my last posting. Not even to check my email. I have two refunds that are now being asked for so, I've got two barrels they had that are now up for grabs if anyone wants them. To make it easier, I'll have you send the money to them. PM me for info.

As to teh living off teh funds: I didn't have enough funds to live off of shy of the shippings fees. I paid what I got to pontiac for machining, purchased teh anodizing equipment, purchased bits and bobs and that left me my meager profit. I'm not doing this to make money guys. I'm doing this to get this host into folks hands. So, I couldn't spend what I didn't have. As I've done with all the things I sell, I purchase the parts with the money you give me, and that leaves me almost nothing to refund if you want a refund. I have to then sell it to someone else to get that money and have it sent to you instead of to myself. That's why I've never got "stock on hand" I've just never had teh money to get ahead like that. I do accept that I did wrongly spend the little profit I got for "living" and I should have kept that until this was completed but circumstances were dire when I used them.

OK so, silvershot has a blue marble it's up for grabs although it's not been anodized yet so you can specify your color choice. also has a focus adapter.

Designedfor1 also wants a refund and his was also bare. $75. This is also up for grabs.

Mine wasn't just supposed to be bare it was supposed to be bare barrel and black focus adapter, but either way it comes with a focus adapter.

I'm also not very happy with having to wait for someone to buy "my" barrel to get a refund, isn't quite fair to me...
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Mine wasn't just supposed to be bare it was supposed to be bare barrel and black focus adapter, but either way it comes with a focus adapter.

I'm also not very happy with having to wait for someone to buy "my" barrel to get a refund, isn't quite fair to me...

Uhh if anyone gets a baby blue they didn't pay for plz lemme know. I can't find the one I did. it is very possible I put it in a package instead of teh blue meant for you.
Uhh if anyone gets a baby blue they didn't pay for plz lemme know. I can't find the one I did. it is very possible I put it in a package instead of teh blue meant for you.

hope its not in my package, would be a pricey mistake:o
ken, try to put rpalos in my package and ill send it to him, that is if he is ok with that. we live in the same state.

Thanks Chip:beer:
However Ken cant find my baby blue kryton:yabbmad:

KEN if you cant find it, you said you would just anodize a new one.
My question is are you still setup for anodizing? Do you have all supplies? Or do you have to buy or setup stuff?
Maybe I should settle for something you have leftover:cryyy:
