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  • Was it you who wrote 'halkzaw does not like members whose first post is not in welcome section? thats BULL- i 'suggest' they make an intro and so do many other members. This forum needs new members and I like them. ..I never want to run anyone off.
    Not trying to be mean, you have a valid point suggesting they introduce themselves first and you post that on every member who doesn't.

    I don't know my exact wording, but it should have been, "hakzaw does not it like when members do not first post in the welcome section". That was the intended thought.

    Please let it slide, know I didn't mean any harm. Thank you
    JL have you been looking for a nice venue somewhat near you?? (For LEM 2021?
    Hope you are doing well.. Im OK- but is most lethal 'group' 73/heart issues (minor) COPD and border line type 2 Diabetes,and obese..not good len
    Wanna trade, Pacemaker, SVT, COPD, Asthma, Diabetes, Morbid Obese, Housebound.

    At least I can play with lasers :)

    We are both high risk for Covid, stay safe.

    I recommended you to someone looking for a laser on one of the threads.

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