Want to read my rant's about it.
I flipped a shit. It was the first package i ever lost and it had to be something that was 300$.LOL
I dont care for the money but the simple fact that the post man that did my route that day was his first day on the streets and he said he delivered it. Which is a Lie as i got the mail seconds of him leaving. I just hate people who lie.
(I think he keeped it or delivered it to the wrong house and lied so he doesn't loose his job.) I rained hell at the post office. I was so mad and still am. I told the seller i will pay fully for the second one but he said he will give me a break on it and if the first one turns up to return it. Its pretty messed up. Ive lived here my entire adult life. All the post man know me and all the people that work at the post office no me because i get so many packages a day that they sort or i ship.
lets just say they never seen that side of me.

I dont think they plain on loosing any more of my packages.
Speedy they where under $800 for a complete package that included everything Glasses batteries warranty etc... The hosts used where 100$ hosts. Ill post picutres if they give me the OK.