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  • Hey I always wondered could you do a group buy for drivers like the flex driver?
    No Thanx....THAT is for DTR....Group Buys demand a fair amount of work and discipline....And I dislike being demanding....BUT....I will….and I do.

    I gotcha. Maybe dtr will do a gb sometime. He rarely answers messages...
    • Like
    Reactions: Snecho
    Hey do you remember what thread you made when you tested xwoosies 5a driver years ago?
    So....NOW you know
    the full story !!! Reason I break up post is due 420 Character limit....another LPF PITA.

    The Supercar Build ….in my opinion really broke thru some barriers... !!!! 4.5W.....Really tight beam....smallest format due the Boost Driver / one (1) 26650 battery !!!

    Yet...not much reply !! Dunno....Luckily….. My motivation is internal....and not powered by LPF praise !!!

    Later, Bob
    This forum really is dead. I remember the drama that pretty much scared everyone off. Well most of the good members anyway. I think I know why these things don't get attention. We need to set up a store that sells kits. It needs to be a store for people to get interested.
    Something they can point and click on and buy it. Please contact xwoosie and try to get him to make a few more drivers. We know that dtr will stock them so it's really not a question of "if". Yeah damn this character limit and timer sucks
    Thanx Curtis.........I have been a PITA on LPF....for over 10 Yrs.

    I was first on as just CDBEAM....then....was off for a year....can't remember why...and came back as CDBEAM777 !!!

    Long time hey ???? Bob

    Added note........Just checked.....Came on in 2007 as CDBEAM.....and only had two (2) posts.....then I spent much time over at PL....then....I got the LP bug !!.....and come on here full time in 2010.....so....I dunno know what counts....who cares...I don't !!!

    My contributions to LPF have been....solid.....and....I typically do not pull any punches....and my humor....is....well....a little warped....but again....who cares !!!
    Yes...I am in NOW....But....All these " Heavy Hitters " there......NOW WHAT !!!

    I must post !!!!!
    I just learned you were granted access to the vet section, no one told me, welcome :)
    Been awhile since a general Post. !!!! I remain very, very busy. Work on the Cyan Cannon is almost complete !!
    This build has taken WAY, WAY tooooo long !!!
    Work on the " Solar Prominence " also now continues...at a very, very slow pace !
    Watch....Some China Group will come out with a comparable product....for....OH....$ 139.95 !!! Crap
    Tech marches on !!@ CDBEAM
    gretz bwanna
    please invite jmallegro (Jose) to LLumia..
    btw I am really back now..len
    Knock, Knock ???? Yes....I am still around !!! Still working on many, many projects....Especially focused on all manner Lumia generation agaon....and working on my Solar Prominence lll project !!
    please invite Joopy-back after 2 yrs absence.. woot??!!also
    heard back from Albsom-he is making a LPF acct to join LL..
    Just a general post...to any who may visit here. I just did some investigation....and my first post was back in 2007...as " CDBEAM " Nine (9) years ago !!!!!!!!! YIKES !!!

    I predict...I will be here....for many, many more years....if I am so blessed.....Many great people here at LPF... Just a BIG Thank You...to all who have helped me....and put up with my humor.

    I will continue to push the envelope of our hobby....to the edge !!! I hope you have found my project's interesting....stay tuned....for I plan on many more !!! CDBEAM777
    Also....To All....My Lumia activities have been on hold for the last 90 days due doing some custome HH builds....JUST NOT ENOUGH TIME !!!
    SOON....I will get back on track !!!
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