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PL520 Diodes - What Host Will YOU Use?


Aug 25, 2010
I am curious as to what host everybody is planning to use for their 520nm diodes. This is a little bit because I am curious as to what others feel is appropriate for this new wavelength, and also to get some ideas of my own.

I am currently planning to use the MS-V4 from Sinner(should be shipping around the 15th).

Pic: (stole from Sinner's thread)

So, let me know what your plan is! :)

I eventually want something in a reasonably small host. I'm just going to be happy to have a green pointer that doesn't mind the cold. :)

if anyone wants to use a magic stick V1 or V2 then PM me. i have both that i may have to part ways with (dont want to but potential financial bind may force me too). it'll be first come first serve, must PM though because i dont want to completely jack wannaburns thread. if no interest sparks here then keep an eye out for them in the BST section depending on how my situation plays out

can provide pictures to whoever shows interest

sorry to semi jack your thread wannaburn but i think that any version magic stick or polished host for that matter would look killer with a 520nm build. IMO you cant go wrong with small polished host on any build. the L2T looks really nice as well :)
I would put mine in a kryton groove with some GITD inserts and o-rings. I love that L2T host as well :)
Saik then I'll have most of the spectrum covered.

Saik= 405,450,520 soon,635,650,660 sounds good.
When the new 1W 520 diodes hit the market I'm going to see if I can't get a 100% custom machined host. ATM I don't have any specific plans.
I thought long and hard about contacting StridAst(I think that is him) to see about commissioning a silver host, maybe with an emerald embedded in it or something. But I fear it would be pricey.
I would use a small host for the PL520 diode. Maybe the Phobos host is an option.

I'm going real small, I'll buy a diode for myself after we get the results from the GB ones.

I would show you what host I'm going to be using but it's a custom lathed one I'm purpose building for this, fixed focus :)
I'm aiming to get a 50mW green laser in the smallest space possible, still debating on if I should use CR2's or AAA or 10440. I would go even smaller but I want to have a decent amount of time before I have to recharge.
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I was also thinking the groove. Good thing I bought 6! Will probably do a wavelength set. 405nm, single mode 445, 9mm 445, 520nm, 532nm, 650nm.
He hasn't told me yet. I'm using a 3x14250 design though, so it may be rather expensive.
