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FrozenGate by Avery

Lasers and Girlfriends

My fiance hated them to, she hated my r/c helicopters hobby and even my car hobby. She's now the EX-fiance :yh:

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Uhm ..... maybe i'm just misunderstanding the sense (remember, i'm not English) ..... so, pardon me if i ask something similar in a laser forum (i know, i know, i'm heretic :p) ..... but, isn't "a little bit" more important a relation between two persons, than a hobby ? (also if the hobby involve lasers ?) :D

So, maybe, isn't "a little bit" more important try to adapt (and maybe convince the counterpart that your hobby are funny), than just cut and left ? (this, ofcourse, supposing that both keep at the relation in the same way ;))
People are out to have "FUN" and not trying to form a Committed Relationship with people. And In the USA we have a HUGE prostitution Problem where 40 % of the Male population do it and 1/2 of them with underage little girls. This also makes it more of a Society that isn't focused on the family Structure. Internet Pornography is Huge as well. Think about it Old world man had to go to some location where that dirty stuff went on, Now everyone can do it in there own home and go to the sickest sites and no one knows. This is also a Main contributor of this Issue as well.

Never realized prostitution was quite that much of a problem... 40% seems kind of insane IMO. As for as for underage girls... thats just wrong.
Never realized prostitution was quite that much of a problem... 40% seems kind of insane IMO. As for as for underage girls... thats just wrong.

Honestly it's Really sick how bad it is. On-line prostution is a Whole new beast mankind didn't ever have before. It was Around always thats is true, but Like I said before, The fact that anyone in there own home can basically do/see ANYTHING they want and no one will ever know. So it just keeps snowballing down the hill and it gets more and more discussing. It's Really Easy to watch something on a Screen in your Bedroom where no one else knows. So More and more people are getting hooked on Porn and it then leads to more and more things, If you keep feeding a twisted sexual Appetite it will get worse and worse. And with on-line prostitution you don't even have to go to the "Strip" as it were and it's even more hidden and available. Every Day some girl is on the news that got kidnapped or tricked into child prostitution, It's getting to a epidemic Situation. Sex Slavery is A HUGE business. And most prostitutes are Forced into it and the law Almost NEVER gos after the Men who use them. If they went after the Men the whole system would collapse, but they just arrest the Girls and cause them to get in trouble keeping them in there low desperate state that is just a cycle and not a End.

EDIT: I do understand I Derailed the Thread, Sorry :na:
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lol yeah i'd love to respond but I dont want to de-rail the thread, I even went a bit overboard kicking around that beast people call snooki.
Yeah, let's get back to women and lasers. I can't be the only one that finds it hilarious that many guys call their powerful red lasers dildas:)
Well, I think the picture you paint is somewhat too dire. I mean of the many guys I know, only 2 have paid for sex. Whereas I'm fairly confident in saying that all of them have seen porn online and most probably watch some on a regular basis. This includes guys who are married, in relationships, and single. Going from watching porn on a computer to a prostitute is a huge step imo, and not one too many people will make. At least I hope not.

The problem of prostitution is severe though, at least in some areas. Personally I think it would be better to legalize, and regulate. In some countries and locations, it's legal, it is relatively safe, and it does mean that there are at least some safe guards in place.

With regards to expectations, I think most people are completely insane. There is the expectation that things will go as they do in the movies, of course in real life there is no musical montage for the tough parts, and people in real life don't look like models. While most will agree to this, few people under the age of 40 are willing to actually work past unrealistic expectations.

Unfortunately this forces many guys, like myself to basically present a false front whenever dealing with girls. This leads to some short term fun, but that's it.

As for the jersey shore phenomenon, I really don't get it. The fact that snookie is a role model to any girl is very very disturbing to me.

P.S. - To someone not into lasers... that cake probably does look different.
Think About it tho, Every city in every town in the USA has Prostitutes, it's a Fact I watch the news and Read a lot of on-line News as well. And I know how to filter the News fiction for the most part. And think about how many strip joints and shady massage parlors as well there are in every major city and in a lot of places you would not expect. Look at all the "escort" Services as well they have. We have it so bad that drug dealers are turning to Pimps all over the place. And There are Tons of on-line sites where people can buy sex.

Men goto and fund the whole system of that. As they feed on the porn it just keeps escalating. I'm not saying Everyone who watches pron will go buy sex, But everyone who watches porn treats there women a little less. When you use pictures/movies about other women to keep satisfying a sexual lust you can't say your respecting your Woman and treating her like the only one. You probably do a little more than just a Quick "Look" when you see a pretty Woman, you probably check her out as well. This all ads to the snow ball it may not be direct cheating but it Adds to the whole system.

It's why Sex Sales Like mentioned before. If that system wasn't so active we would have a more conservative regular world as well. If we put the commercials we have today on the 1st TV's when they 1st came out before all the escalation in sexual appetite The mass of people would be Disgusted. The basic family Structure is almost collapsed, and sadly I don't see Man Changing back... Until something Drastic Happens at Least.
Lol. My girllfriend flushed one of my cheap 405nm down the the can... haha its still works great :D
Sex: legal to give, illegal to sell. Makes perfect sense. :thinking:

Prostitution is not illegal because it is dangerous, it is dangerous because it is illegal.
Sex: legal to give, illegal to sell. Makes perfect sense. :thinking:

Prostitution is not illegal because it is dangerous, it is dangerous because it is illegal.

I Don't see how pimps forcing women to sale there bodies would go away. If it was legal women would still be forced to do it. I think it would get worse. That would be the next step down the drain tho. There are only a small % of them that Really like what they do and are treated decently. A Lot Are forced to Smile.

EDIT: On CNN they were talking about a few different studies, that found out that even if you don't know about it or you do everyone in the USA knows at "Least" 3 women that have been Sexually Abused. And Remember that just the ones who admitted to what had happen to them, there are still a lot who don't want to talk about it or it has been repressed in there memory due to it being such a traumatic event for them.
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@InfinitusEquitas: Debating is a game. People playing propose speeches and try to convince an audience to agree with them. There is the occaisional exchange of ideas through the method of "Points of Information" but other than that, it's speeches (despite those that support this silly method will violently disagree). And i HATE public speaking. So, yeah, i stand by it being argument that i have a love of.

Speaking of which...
People are out to have "FUN" and not trying to form a Committed Relationship with people. And In the USA we have a HUGE prostitution Problem where 40 % of the Male population do it and 1/2 of them with underage little girls. This also makes it more of a Society that isn't focused on the family Structure. Internet Pornography is Huge as well. Think about it Old world man had to go to some location where that dirty stuff went on, Now everyone can do it in there own home and go to the sickest sites and no one knows. This is also a Main contributor of this Issue as well.

On CNN they were talking about a few different studies, that found out that even if you don't know about it or you do everyone in the USA knows at "Least" 3 women that have been Sexually Abused. And Remember that just the ones who admitted to what had happen to them, there are still a lot who don't want to talk about it or it has been repressed in there memory due to it being such a traumatic event for them.

Alright, I've selected the bits i want to argue with. I could argue with a lot more, but Family Guy's almost on and i want to watch it :crackup:

40% of American males "do it" (i'm assuming that means "admit to having done it on at least one occasion) and half of these took place with legally underage girls (that is prior to to their sixteenth birthday i assume, or would be in this country).
Essentially, you're saying 20% of American citizens are, in the eyes of the law, paedophiles. That's a pretty monstrous suggestion.
I'm calling bullshit. Link proving otherwise?

And the next bit was one of those shocking-sounding statistics which in reality are not that implausible. Bearing in mind "sexual assault" is not an objective term and everyone knows a lot of people, yes, it doesn't surprise me that everyone knows at least three women who claim to have suffered some form of sexual assault.
It's not Hard if you really think about it. I'll try and find the link for you still.

Look at how many Escort services, how many on-line pimps, at how many prostitutes are still on the streets. How many strip clubs and "massage parlors" there are as well. It's so big drug cartels are switching or Adding pimping to there services. It's so bad they are kid napping to fill there product and dragging schools girls into it. You should look into all the news reports about girls getting tricked, kidnapped or worse to become sex Slaves. An Interview with "The Slave Across the Street" Author Theresa Flores | Change.org News The pimps require That Each Girl do like 5 or more jobs a night. Honestly if you do some research into the issue you'll be Shocked:wtf:
Were we not just having an innocent (maybe somewhat sexist) conversation(moan:P) about girlfriends / wives and lasers?

*sigh* Why do men always argue.. :D
