Uhm, apart the fact that i agree with Chez, about the "who care" principle, when both the parts are consensuals (and we're speaking about just under-18 girls, not about kids, be clear with this), i have some doubts, about the fact that clients ask for underage girls ..... anyway, i don't want to start any war, ok ? ..... it's just a personal curiosity.
Let me ask you some things about this, just for the fun of the discussion:
You say that half of the clients pay for have sex with underage prostitutes ..... what exactly you mean, with this ?
That those clients
intentionally ask for underage girls ? ..... like, going to them and ask them "
hey, are you underage? ..... i'm searching an underage prostitute, can you direct me to them ?" ..... i don't doubt that clients that pay prostitutes may choose the more beautiful and young-looking ones, after all i suppose they pay also for the appearence, and i also suppose that, if they pay, they don't choose intentionally girls that looks old and ugly (ok, ok, at least the most part of them ..... there are always deviants

) ----- but, with all the controls and risks, permit me to have some doubts, that there are so much peoples that ask for minors
Or maybe, that half of the clients don't care if the girls are underage ? ..... but also in this case, do you really think that a client can ask the girl to show him her documents, for certify that she's over-18 ? ..... or that any of these girls, asked about their age, simply don't lie about it, for get the client more easily ? ..... also about this, i have some little doubts

(and, other than this, how do you see if a girl is or not over-18 ? ..... i personally know girls that are 20 and looks 15, and a couple of twins that are 17 and look 25 ..... the aspect means nothing, especially with makeup

This, ofcourse, speaking about "street girls" (don't know the right term in English, sorry) ..... when instead you speak about so-called "escort services" agencies, the things changes ..... i heard that this one is a business ruled from very "protected" peoples (usually, industrials or bank managers, not just crime), with a lot of "hooks" in police and politics ..... with similar premises, i can easily trust that a client rich enough, and available to pay enough, can ask for a girl specifying anything, including age, and become "served on-the-fly", but this, i really doubt can be considered the majority of the prostitution market, or make some conspicuous statistics.
Ofcourse, mine are just speculations, i never felt the need to pay a girl, so i never done that (is not a matter of laws or costumes, i don't even care about these laws, and can't care less than so about what the others think ..... i don't just feel right the idea itself, cause i feel it as "buy a person", and this is against my personal principles) so cannot know this market directly, only from reports, documents and news ..... but if you have some proofs, i may be glad to see them.
And last, permit me a little joke, ( with no intentions to offend anyone, especially the girls

..... and why the hell would someone pay for something that he will get later in life for free .....
Who said you that you get it "for free" ? ..... have you never considered how much it cost you, in fact of home bills and fees, new car, dresses and makeups and gifts for the wife, extra expenses when the kids comes, and so on ? ..... "for free" is not exactly the right way for define it, i think :eg: ..... (just kidding
