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I unveil the worthy "Titan's Twin"
After building both the Titan's fist and the Yellow Lantern I felt the need to do a hand held dual diode build and I wanted to do a 405nm
I unveil the worthy "Titan's Twin"

After building both the Titan's fist and the Yellow Lantern I felt the need to do a hand held dual diode build and I wanted to do a 405nm

So here is Titan's Twin

After doing much research I only found scattered fragments where some forum members had a good attempt at this, but the build thread was inconclusive:yabbem: +rep to the first member who finds out their names and the thread I had in mind

I struggled @first with this build:undecided: I used 2 Groove2 drivers and had 2 cherry picked 12x 405nm diodes kicking out 1.3W but I was overdriving them in the 700mA to 800mA range:cryyy:. I then simply wanted to use X-drive CG to enhance the look and cut back on any thermal issues so off came the Grooves.
That's when the problems started for TT. Handling the diodes, rewiring from one driver to another are all recipes for disaster and I ended up in the long run
really learning a lesson here. All and all I went through 3 405nm diodes before my good friend Angelos took the time to appeal to my sanity and "turn down the current" Thanks bud:thanks::beer:
Now for the build. I used a 2D Mag-Lite to keep my collection theme. I placed the diodes side by side and incorporated a turned aluminum rod for my optics table:wave:. I wanted to use optical mirror mounts, man those are pricey(long story there, but I learned a lot).

I sourced a 405nm PBS cube from StanWax. I used a dichro from a ps3 sled I won off e-slave for 4.00US and JB'ed them to the mounts.

I then sourced 2 405nm 3.8 diodes from Angelos, who really helped a brother out:san: I received them with spectral analysis charts and WoW! 1 to be 406nm and the other to be 408nm and you can really tell the difference... to my eyes TT looks amost a whitish color:thinking:

The diodes settings are 1 @550mA the other is @545mA and the tail current draw is 1.1A so I did end up using Groove 2 drivers after all I think my nerves were shot at this point the linear drivers are safe and the dropout after heat up is almost a welcomed attribute I feel in this build.
I used a G2 lens on the center diode and a 9mm lens on the left doide I really don't know why other than mixing it up a bit.

The mounts made any adjustments seem effortless and all in all I'm very happy to add this to my collection. Just the lessons I learned during this build I feel will help for my next journey which will prolly be some time as I going to go through some other older builds for both maintenance and upgrades.
Some closing shots

The Money

In closing I really can't thank Angelos enough. He really provided some moral support and came through on the diodes he went the extra mile for me thanks again man:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
I think JSLE/wannaburn stated he used a telescope while he did his far adjustments this one tip alone really saved a lot of time and helped so much on the far field adjustment as well as a tip I read on PL forum about using the dichro mount for near field adjust and then the cube mount for enhancing far field final adjustment. Those 2 tips alone are really solid and helped immensely.
As always get out there and build it man. if you have any questions feel free to ask. Thanks for looking have a good day.

edit: I went through TT and made some small adjustments and bumped up the diodes another 10mA or so and look what happened. WOW 1.510mW I think thats some record... I could be wrong, but still bad arsh.:wave: Wonder what would happened if I really took them diodes up.:can:
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