Should I just go ahead and place the "TL/DR" here for you?
LOL! Never... I enjoy reading and usually go through 3-5 paperbacks a months.
Fair warning though... response is quite long. Likewise I don't think most people will read through it.
I will agree that the definition of SPAM is less than precise. Unfortunately, it has to be. It is not science. It is art. Leaving the SPAM-like posts and threads visible, would serve to reward SPAM-like behavior
I agree... I guess I'm just more tolerant of what is spam, and what isn't. The forum, is very clean though, so thank you for that.
If there is significant fighting and/or trolling, the thread must go away to remove the irritant from the eyes of the contestants. Often times these types are simply locked.
Best way to deal with the problem. Maybe also a better way to deal with some of the other spam situations. Allows the thread to drop with a little time, but it's still there for future record.
Despite all of these concerns, the general membership will NEVER know everything that goes on behind the scenes. It would lead to unmanageable chaos. Those that have been around long enough will remember the days of "member moderation" I doubt that anyone actually wants to return to those days.
Democracy historically never worked in any organization. Problems arise even faster depending on how good(fast) the system of communication is, and the size of the organization.
I stop an average of ~7 SPAMMERS a day from ever posting in this forum.
Unfortunately that doesn't surprise me at all. Some of the newer spambots aren't deterred by captcha at all. Thank you for stopping the ones that get through.
If you truly want to know what happened, PM a mod. I do not believe that I have ever refused to answer questions about a banning. Sometimes there are some sensitive issues that will remain "hidden", but normally, I will let you know what happened.
Will do. Usually there is just not enough reason to do so. I mean for 99% of the bans, it's crystal clear. Even when it isn't for the most part I would rather leave it to those who want the responsibility. This latest situation had be rather curious though, and believe me, if the threads were there I would have been happy to do the detective work on my own.
Should I just go ahead and place the "TL/DR" here for you?
LOL! Never... I enjoy reading and usually go through 3-5 paperbacks a months.
I will agree that the definition of SPAM is less than precise. Unfortunately, it has to be. It is not science. It is art. Leaving the SPAM-like posts and threads visible, would serve to reward SPAM-like behavior
I agree... I guess I'm just more tolerant of what is spam, and what isn't. The forum, is very clean though, so thank you for that.
If there is significant fighting and/or trolling, the thread must go away to remove the irritant from the eyes of the contestants. Often times these types are simply locked.
Best way to deal with the problem. Maybe also a better way to deal with some of the other spam situations. Allows the thread to drop with a little time, but it's still there for future record.
Despite all of these concerns, the general membership will NEVER know everything that goes on behind the scenes. It would lead to unmanageable chaos. Those that have been around long enough will remember the days of "member moderation" I doubt that anyone actually wants to return to those days.
Democracy historically never worked in any organization. Problems arise even faster depending on how good(fast) the system of communication is, and the size of the organization.
I stop an average of ~7 SPAMMERS a day from ever posting in this forum.
Unfortunately that doesn't surprise me at all. Some of the newer spambots aren't deterred by captcha at all. Thank you for stopping the ones that get through.
The main problem with this is that I will then ask you not to spread it around. There is probably a reason that it was not left in the boards. We have seen just recently what happens when someone tries to use the forum membership to defend themselves. People with absolutely no interest in the problem or member, feel compelled to put their two cents in. This only serves to perpetuate and increase the drama. Then when the drama begins to get out of hand, there is a cry for bannings and punishments against the new contestants
I deal with FAS/DOD suppliers on a daily basis, and have signed more NDAs than I can count. So I understand the need for discretion and diplomacy... However when there isn't anyone actually being hurt (scammed), and when it's mostly a polite discussion, I really don't see a reason not to let it burn on out it's own. I mean this current hong situation, there is no emotion there. People are expressing themselves, I wouldn't call it drama.
If a member is simply "banned" the threads and posts remain. Look around, you will find MANY posts and threads of banned members remaining. If there are components of the thread that would drive drama higher or that would reward SPAM-like behavior, they will (and should) be deleted.
That's what confused me. Through trawling the many many posts from long before I even started lurking here I've seen lots of member who have been banned, and yet their posts remain. This really goes back to the perfection of what constitutes spam.
Many times members are given warnings. Some of you in this thread have received them

MANY temp-bans are awarded. They are based on the severity of the action and who the member is.
Makes perfect sense. Clear spammers don't deserve even a warning IMO.
Sometimes permanent bans are given as a first action. Unfortunately, y'all do not (and will not) know everything that happens behind the scenes.
If you disagree with an action, voice your opinion to a mod. However, if that mod disagrees with you, accept that they are pretty good at what they do. Without any of you knowing, we mods consult with each other about a great many things. You will not get to hear about them either.
I don't think there are too many people here who are shy to express their opinion. It also makes sense that a lot of information is exchanged behind the scenes. This goes back to the question of democracy, and I certainly don't want that in a forum setting. A little more clarity wouldn't hurt, although I really can't think of a situation where that's become an issue. At least not yet:yh:
As far as I am concerned any ban evasion is grounds for continuing the ban (or increasing it to a perma-ban). If a member is willing to break the rules the first time to get banned (temp or perm) and then knowingly breaks the rules again to try to continue or argue, that clearly shows that they do NOT think that the rules apply to them.
I guarantee you that there are perma-banned members in the forum today. If they come back, express remorse, and then keep their actions acceptable, they are left alone. If, however, they begin to act up again, the "multiple accounts" rule is standing by to spank them again. This is what happened with the most recent problematic ban.
That makes perfect sense, what confused me with this recent situation is that I thought this guy fell into that "If they come back, express remorse, and then keep their actions acceptable, they are left alone." category. I'm pretty sure I read most if not all of his threads, and I didn't see anything that was out of line. Doesn't mean it wasn't there... I just didn't see it, so it was rather puzzling.
It's in my nature to ask questions when things don't make sense... As you've noticed I try to do so for logical reasons and as politely as possible. That said if I angered you... it definitely wasn't my intent. I appreciate what you do for the forum, and the time it takes.
@T_J - I try to never get angry, but I also try to always get even:eg: