And how am I exaggerating? I can name five vets off the top of my head right now that want nothing/little to do with this place anymore.
I can probably name 20 that have left since I came here, maybe more
It is the nature of the forum that people come and people go
Sometimes, they come back
Sometimes they don't
Focusing on a limited slice of time and making judgements belies the true nature of the forum
This is an "entry level" science forum.
As people mature, they tire of the repetitious nature of the inquiries and look elsewhere.
The truth is, that veterans were leaving before you came here and will be leaving after you and I are gone
The exaggeration comes from labeling 5 as "many."
EVERY day, over 5,000 people visit this forum
5/5,000 doesn't constitute "many" to me
Even if you just want to focus on veterans, there are ~150 veterans
5/150 still doesn't make it to the label "many."
Some veterans will leave
New veterans will take their places
Some veterans just take "vacations"