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Should Dr. Lava put his website on hold?

Should Dr. Lava take down his website?

  • Yees

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Nuu

    Votes: 3 27.3%

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Dec 27, 2011
I recently ordered a flexdrive from Nautilus Integration;

I had nothing but problems with their communications. Took him around a week to actually accept my cancellation order, and from everyone else's experiences, he takes an insane amount of time (2 weeks!) to ship for a US seller.

Do you think that since he can't apparently support the website and selling his products, he should put the website down for now?

At least until he knows he CAN sell his stuff again?

This is a non-stop problem. It's happened to so many people it's not even funny actually.. drlava's customer service is often severely lacking. I've been saying for the longest time that drlava should just leave the selling to other people who are willing and able to show their customers even the tiniest amount of respect after they support their business by spending their hard-earned money. As far as I'm concerned, every time an occurrence like this happens it only serves to show what little regard the seller has for their customers.
What really blew it for me, was when I ordered a Flexdrive on the 17th of one month, and then on the 18th of the next month, it hadn't arrived, so I emailed him.

He told me that it had shipped on the 3rd (which was almost three weeks after I had placed my order!)

Then, he had the gall to tell me that:
"If you prefer fast (not cheap) shipping with insurance in the future, please contact me ahead of time to arrange it."

I actually had one of those moments where you step back and think "What? Seriously? Did he just say that?" followed by "Go to #%!! you @$$#&!%". The shipping method was not the problem. The problem was that he didn't ship my purchase for nearly three weeks. Even if I had sprung for fast ("not cheap") priority next-day shipping, it would have arrived the "next-day" after his 3 week shipping delay.

Of course, I was courteous in my reply, and I refrained from including the mental expletives I had run with a few minutes prior. But from that point onward (it was about a year ago), I've never bought another Lava product (from him or elsewhere), and I've pretty consistently told other people not to either. If you can't actually follow-through on your commitments when you're holding someone else's money for a product they've bought from you, then stop taking other people's money for the product. It's not rocket science, it's just good common business sense with a bit of basic human ethics mixed in.
What really blew it for me, was when I ordered a Flexdrive on the 17th of one month, and then on the 18th of the next month, it hadn't arrived, so I emailed him.

He told me that it had shipped on the 3rd (which was almost three weeks after I had placed my order!)

Then, he had the gall to tell me that:
"If you prefer fast (not cheap) shipping with insurance in the future, please contact me ahead of time to arrange it."

I actually had one of those moments where you step back and think "What? Seriously? Did he just say that?" followed by "Go to #%!! you @$$#&!%". The shipping method was not the problem. The problem was that he didn't ship my purchase for nearly three weeks. Even if I had sprung for fast ("not cheap") priority next-day shipping, it would have arrived the "next-day" after his 3 week shipping delay.

Of course, I was courteous in my reply, and I refrained from including the mental expletives I had run with a few minutes prior. But from that point onward (it was about a year ago), I've never bought another Lava product (from him or elsewhere), and I've pretty consistently told other people not to either. If you can't actually follow-through on your commitments when you're holding someone else's money for a product they've bought from you, then stop taking other people's money for the product. It's not rocket science, it's just good common business sense with a bit of basic human ethics mixed in.

That's why I'm stoked that you guys got your boost driver going. With that thing (and hopefully the driver that foulmist is working on as well), Dr. Lava won't be able to sustain his business unless he really steps up the customer service. He's been the only game in town for a long, long time. ;)
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That's why I'm stoked that you guys got your boost driver going. With that thing (and hopefully the driver that foulmist is working on as well), Dr. Lava won't be able to sustain his business unless he really steps up the customer service. He's been the only game in town for a long, long time. ;)

he still has a incredible incredible absolutely phenomenal laser show software and he has the flexmod

and his costumer service for me has been phenomenal as well:D but i agree that he should just use distributors for flexdrives and grooves. and only have to worry about LSX and his other software etc
I ordered a RIYA DAC from him. It took him WEEKS to respond to the PM's I sent, and when he did respond he didn't address any of the questions I asked. I have stayed away from Lava since.

He should shut down his site until such a time as he can provide a satisfactory level of service.
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or second let someone else run part of his operation to help his customers.
Ive talked with him several times yes its not the fastest reply and yeah hes a busy guy.
If you dont like his stuff dont buy but what you do get is amazing quality.
Now there are going to be new drivers hitting the market.
From analog projector drivers to a nice boost driver.
And well we already have damn near enough linear drivers.
The guy is very smart i just wish he could find another trusted member to act with him.
He needs a front man.
Excuse me but this is kind of ridiculous. Even if the poll ends up with most votes being Yes, do you really think he's gonna take it down? I agree that he's slow when it comes to orders though.. Not sure why.
or second let someone else run part of his operation to help his customers.
Ive talked with him several times yes its not the fastest reply and yeah hes a busy guy.
If you dont like his stuff dont buy but what you do get is amazing quality.
Now there are going to be new drivers hitting the market.
From analog projector drivers to a nice boost driver.
And well we already have damn near enough linear drivers.
The guy is very smart i just wish he could find another trusted member to act with him.
He needs a front man.

Hear, hear!
Ya know, everybody b1tches and moans when the Chinese sites do these things to us, so why is it OK for Dr.Lava to get away with it?

I for one think he should at least make it clear on his site that shipping could take up to FOREVER!!!

Oh, and I will never buy from him again after my last experience.
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I order from him knowing that he has a REAL job and that it will take time.
I'm not in a rush when I order and I usually order extras so I have a supply
on hand.

I wish I could order different items on the same form. I can't seem to do it.
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I order from him knowing that he has a REAL job and that it will take time.
I'm not in a rush when I order and I usually order extras so I have a supply
on hand.

oh look patience and understanding because you know he has a real job, tons of orders, a life, ETC.

His customer service is not always that quick, but his drivers are the best...

He has a distributor here...


And Jeff is very responsive and ships fast!

I believe DTR also stocks drivers...
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oh look patience and understanding because you know he has a real job, tons of orders, a life, ETC.


OH LOOK A bunch of people who expect a seller to respect the fact that they worked hard for their money, CHOSE to spend it with them and now EXPECT the PRODUCT THEY BOUGHT..


and the idea that people who ARE DOING BUSINESS here have NO OBLIGATION TO THEIR BUYERS AS LONG AS THEY HAVE SOME OTHER JOB AND A BUSY LIFE IS RETARDED. If you're too busy to keep your customers happy, you need to rethink things.
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Also, just to clarify what I think the idea of this poll is, NO ONE is insinuating that drlava to go out of business or stop producing his goods. He makes good stuff. IMO it would be sufficient to include a disclaimer on his website that clearly explains that there might be delays in processing and include links to distributors, OR stop selling via his website altogether and allow distributors to take over fully. Neither of these things are too much to ask.
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