I will meter Grix's laser live for all the doubters out there (daguin, electro, etc) i have nothing to hide, you want me to send YOU the laser Daguin? i will, no issues there, just to prove im not lying.
You dont even freaking know me, and you are CONVINCED i am ripping off Grix, gric has paid me $140 TOTAL, for EVERYTHING... including all the lost parts, free international shipping, and the works. his laser is also coming with a power graph from my Laserbee I, and those readings dont lie. i will do it live on video if you like lol.
and dave... if im such a "scammer, conartist, thief, etc, and all the other shit you call me" why the HELL did you order the 50 red modules from me huh? you obviously DONT trust me, so why are you willing to buy from me, but tell other not to because im a "scammer" as you put it. I even threw in 5 free gifts! just because i wanted you to check them out, it was my way of saying im sorry for the ordeals we have had.
And you also told me not to bring up past AND resolved issues... why are YOU bringing them up? i havent done a single thing wrong in months, yet you all seem to think im constantly scamming stealing and robbing people.
I made a mistake MONTHS and MONTHS ago with the 8x, and i was a newb then. how long are you going to hold one RESOLVED mistake against me?
And i was not "caught" and "forced" to pay glenn for the 6x/flexdrive mix-up, you already know it was a mistake, a mis-understanding, from an unmarked package from someone whos name i did not know at the time, as ive said a thousand times, i though it was something i just grabbed form the BST section when i used to grab up stuff whenever i could. i used to order allot of stuff. so it got mixed up, and i found out about it WEEKS even a month after! and then i WILLINGLY paid glenn way more than the parts were worth, and the issue IS resolved, and you told ME not to ever bring it up again, just fix it and be done with it... and thats what i did. so why are you bringing it back up and kind of contradicting what you say to me. its as if YOUR allowed to say ANYTHING you want to ANYONE, but i have restrictions to who/what i can say and talk to??? thats not even right... and you know what im talking about.
you all doubt me about Grix's laser, i dont care, i know the TRUTH, so does GRIX, we speak DAILY... it's not as if im avoiding him, with all the lasers i lost shipping to friggin norway, i lost ALLOT more than $140. And packages DO get lost, even Ndrew had said that. he has lost packages many a time. it just happens. and im not charging him anything extra for it.
Im even putting it in a new Mohrenberg MXDL silver (MXDL twist host) for free! and a 6x diode instead.... for a host smaller than the pocket mini, and a 6x laser for $140... that IS a deal, i've done everything i can to compensate, and GRIX is ok with this, he knows im not "screwing" him as you put it
So why keep bringing up the past, what is it that i've done so recently where you continuosly bash me???
I think everyone is just mad that i didnt get banned, thats what i think.
Anyways, i got nuthin to hide, i'll meter GRIX's laser live via webcam, OR send it to YOU Dave, if you feel i must. it'd at least prove to you im not bullshitting him. but you probably wouldnt even extend that courtesy to me, you'll probably just stick with your un-proven claims that im f*cking Grix over. your so wrong it's not even funny.
You all need to find something better to do with your time. all this is is a waste of forum bandwidth at the moment. im not banned, and wont be banned, as i've done nothing wrong in months, C0ld knows it, i know it. and you should know it.
Im done dealing with you people, i only care about my customers, and thats it. everyone else in this community has nothing better to do with their time than try to de-fame someone who happens to actually be a GOOD seller, had a great site with quality REAL parts, for rock bottom prices (i wont go lower, as to not piss off other web-shop owners, thats not my goal, i just wanted everyone to have access to parts domesticly in the USA, for a descent price, just like Modwerx, except he covers the international part of the deal, i focus on USA orders, because of shipping costs)
So keep bashing me if you like, your all wasing your time, and are running in circles, bringing up past and resolved issues (Wich i was TOLD no to bring up, but it's ok for everyone else to bring back up though) i must not be an equal to you all, aparantly dont even seem human to some of you. allot of you confuse me, you'll order from me... then turn right around and flame the hell out of me for something that happened months ago, ONE time, and i addmitted, repented, and appologize. No one has ANY proof i did that more than once, and i did it when i was a newb, just beggining, Dark Lasers didnt even exist then, nor did my other services. so why hold it against me if i have repented, admitted i was wrong, and vowed never to to it again (wich i havent, and no one can prove i have, only I know the truth, wich is why all your guy's claims dont phase me)
I know how it is, you all dont. you dont know me, never met me, and 95% of you have never done a lick of business with me. so your all literally just jumping on the DarkArmyOfOne HATE waggon, just because you can. i feel if i havent slighted you, or wronged you, you dont deserve the right to flame me if i havent done a thing to you, or said a bad word about you (ELECTROFREAK)
Nice Signature BTW ELECTRO, maybe i'll edit myne and flame you for eternity, only sounds fair right? you aint got shit on me and you know it, your just a sore sport because i didnt get banned, and your being all PMS about it lol, get over yourself, what the hell have YOU done for the forum? do you contribute in any way? are YOU completely free of flaws? would you like it if YOU made a mistake 3-5 months ago, and NO one would forgive you, even though you appologized, made it right, and let it go?
It seems you do not believe in the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated"
Now you dont see me flaming ANYONE on this forum, ever. nor do i put retarded, immature things in my Signature JUST to try and make someone you DONT EVEN KNOW look bad. thats defermation of character, you'll be hearing from me.
and about my "prices" on lasers wich i dont even SELL ANYMORE!!!!! i reserve the right to charge WHATEVER I PLEASE, if you dont like the price, dont freakin buy it!!! i dont put a gun to any newbs head and say buy this laser or else, they could have taken the time to search around and find a better deal if they could. but i had some pretty good prices compared to everyone elses, including other sellers on other forums (Except IgorT, he has great prices, he DOES charge allot, but it's because he hand makes the drivers AND heatsinks) that, i didnt do. i chose no to. so no one can complain that they got "ripped off" if you dont like the price, dont freaking buy it! so theres no excuses to be made, if someone thought the price was too high... why buy it? (not likes theres any to buy, i dont sell em anymore) only parts. and no one can bitch about parts. parts are parts, you cant fake those. (but im sure somone will say you can, watch)
Your all so biased in your opinions... i've been trying for MONTHS to do good on this forum, including donating, helping out big-time with the raffle (or as much as i could anyways) and resolving any issues/disputed over teeny issues.
The 8x thing happend once, you ALL know that, and cant prove otherwise, i dont even sell 8x diodes! or 8x builds! (anymore, not for a long time now) so why bring it up OVER and OVER again... because you all just LOVE to flame, thats what it boils down to.
I dont sell on this forum, i own a site. that site is 100% legit, as well as the prices. it is bascly a USA convenience shop though, i leave the international stuff to modwerx and others, they have a better handle on dealing with international shipping charges. so if im not selling lasers on the forum? and im not selling diodes or lenses on the forum? what is there to worry about! the only think i have to sell on this forum is TWO of mohrenbergs silver MXDL twist hosts (or w/e their called) and possible some other nick-nacks like an MP3 player or a PS3 wireless chat-pad. and thats it.
So whats everyone freakin out about. how can i rip someone off if im not selling anything that can be faked??? (and the last 5 lasers i owe to people including GRIX will all be metered LIVE and graphed so no-one can say sh*t about them being "fake" or under-spec) thats cold hard proof no one can deny. video doesnt lie, nieher does Jerry's Lasebee I program.
So give it a rest people. you've all said you peace, i know that a handfull of you dont, and probably never will trust me. to those of you who apply, just BLOCK me. then i'll be out of your lives forever

isnt that what you wanted? no matter what, im not leaving this forum, and i WILL continue to conduct business when needed (hosts, and what-not), and Dark Lasers will always be around, with the same, or even lower prices, and no one can complain about the site lol, i dont have a single black mark on it. not one lost shipment (their all domestic) and no broken products, no complaints, nothing.
So you all do as you please, im here to stay, it's your choice wether you want to co-exist in peace (wich is what i've been TRYING to do all along) or just avoid me, you dont need to buy from me, my site makes sales every single day, i'll be JUST fine without the business of a few members who know nothing but hate, and are incapable of forgiveness.
So you all do as you please, dont trust me? dont buy from me. simple as that. why watse your time flaming me when it will accomplish nothing? (maybe if i was selling lasers, but i am not) get a grip guys. the polls over, i DO have many friends and supporters, and only 17 (maybe 18 because TJ was too slow lol!) haters. do the math.
I've got nothing more to say to anyone unless you PM me, this has been dealt with, i've been warned. and im not banned, so get over it, im here to stay. if i keep my nose clean, no one can ban me

you need to do things wrong repeatedly to get banned, and i HIGHLY doubt C0ld will ban me because a handfull of a few thousand members have their own hatish opinions of me lol.
And to those of you who stuck up for me, and got NEG REPPED for it, i appologize, that was completely immature of those who ned repped you. i will rep you when i get a chance.
End of conversation, (unless you PM me) Peace out,
Tyler - Dark Lasers