Couple more hours

The verdict is clear ^_^, i have proven that i am not a threat to this forum, or a scammer/conman, but am a usefull asset, as well as a descent contributor/Donator to this forum, the place i know and love so much

I've always done whatever i could to help LPF, wether t be donations, or the raffle, or jus helping a newcomer out on his first build
Thanks to all who saw the REAL light, took the time to check me out, and realize im really not a bad guy, everyone makes mistakes, the mistakes i made were minor, and have been dealt with thourghaly.
the 14 "no" votes im sure came from the handfull of people/competitors who dont like me. im thinkin thats why i got 12-14 no's off the bat, and nothing but yes's after that

my enemies tried, but failed again. so to the 14 people who voted no "you know who you are

" It's time to move on. it is now the past, I am no longer the person i was 6 months ago, i have matured, and grown allot since then, and gained invaluable knoledge from this awsome forum

so Peace to those who have issues with me, or had issues. This is my formal appology for whatever it is that i may (or may NOT) have done, I appologize to those 14 people, and my best wishes to you and your future success.
Now that the pole is almost done with, we can now say, i have proven my worth, and i am not a threat to anyone, or this forum. hopefully newbs wont start polls on me over PM's, and a screw up months and months ago again lol. My hopes are we can move on staring with a clean slate.

I just want to be a ragular member of the forum, I dont want to be treated "special" or different just because im a seller, im just as normal as everyone else here (even though were all laser junkies lol!) I'd just lke to contribute knoledge and advice from now on, no more build service, no more repairs, no more custom orders. I just wanna be like you guys, treated normally, not held up high just because i own Dark Lasers .com .I Dont plan on being a big-shot so to speak on the forum, i'd like it if people would let me just keep to myself most times, and provide advice, or parts when needed

Is this a possibility do you think guys? Can we start a-new? I think LPF would be a better place if we wash all this past bitterness away... As im sure everyone knows, there wont be anymore issues with me on this forum financial or business wise, but i wont let people walk on me either... I will be here, but in a neutral position.
Now we can just have PEACE on the forum guys, you all have had your opportunity to stike out at me, and voice your thoughts/opinions. and the time is almost over to do so, so can we all just make amends now? and be at peace with one-another on this forum that we ALL love? This place would be so much more peacefull, and we can dedicate our time to knolegde, and learning, and making sure our forum stays alive, instead of fighting and arguig over petty things such as PM'S
Can we let the past, be the past, and move on to a better future for LPF, meaning, lets not fight, compete, or argue over trivial things anymore. Lets all just work together in a sense, lets all just share our knoledge, and derive as much pleasure from this hobby as possible!
I am still sticking to my word, i dont take orders for lasers anymore. the only thing i would offer for sale on this forum is products (spares), or a FINISHED laser(s), with a graph, and a video of it being metered LIVE, so there can be no doubts of output power and such. but that will be a while from now, for now i am concentrating on DarkLasers, and DarkLasers alone. but when i get the spare time, i will put together some low-cost PHR builds in pocket mini's, and maybe a few other hosts, meter/graph them live, and list them for sale, meaning no wait time like with my old service. where you'd order a custom laser. i wont be doing custom lasers anymore. i will only sell what i have pre-built, and ready to be shipped the same, or next day payment is made. thats all im willing to do, wich im sure no-one will have a probem with, as i will provide w/e proof necisarry, and even let others meter my builds and give me a stamp of approval

(Example, since some people think i try to sell under-spec lasers, i would be willing to send each and every one to Daguin, a VERY trusted and respected member, and have him verify the output, so no one can say otherwise) Dave is a very trustworthy man, and im sure if he sais my lasers are up to spec, people will believe it, also the graphs, and videos will help too
Thats if Daguin, or someone else would be willing to meter them for me to prove their power. I do have an LPM, but i want people to feel comfortable, so if it takes sending it to a VET for authentification, then so be it

i dont mind, but thats way down the road. Im not building for a while. just going to massivly upgrade DarkLasers .com and sink as much cash as possible into parts and the site itself (nomore ZenCart ^_^) thats my main focus for now, to make DarkLasers an awsome DIY laser shop, thats easy and quick for shoppers all over the world to get premium quality parts for a descently low price (no im not going to lower the prices any lower, there has to be a standard somehweres) my goal is to NOT effect other's business's. hence why the prices will remain the same, except on S03 sleds. (and i my have found a source for REAL 203 sleds, not sure though, the seller doesnt speak english, and is VERY hard to communicate with) but the photos tey sent me ARE real BDR-203 sleds, not S03's with the copper heatsinks on the red and IR diodes. so i know their reall, i just need to test one first. i'll keep people updated when the seller writes me back (very slow communicator, probably du to them being half way accross the world) lol
Anyways, thank you to all my suporters, i dont know who voted yes for me, but thank you to the 24 that did

And thank you for everyone elses support who remained neutral.
Peace to all, and i hope everyone can enjoy LPF a little more now
Tyler - Dark Lasers