@ELECTRO - I'll never dissapear, and i'll stop speaking when im damn well and ready. your shit out'a luck man, you wanting me gone, only makes me want to stay more

and i will! ^_^
@Dave - I see your point, but whats this about my "personal contact info" that gets posted then legality will be brought into play. i hope thats not what you were getting at (i REALLY hope thats not what you meant, we need not have more conflict). and you still didnt answere my question, if you dont trust me, and im such a peice of shit (apparently) why did you buy from me on friday?, AND accept the gifts i sent?? any response, or nothing to say? (And you can drop the faulty laser stuff, thats BEEN done and over with, i think your running out of ammo Dave, you know i havent sold a laser in like 2 months) theres no sense in bringing that up over and over and over, as i dont sell them anymore, so whats the point? seriously? im being literal too, not sarcastic. thats a legit question, that im hoping for just a regular answere too, thats all.
@Ndrew - i never directly contact you drew, your the one who instigates with comments such as the last one above b4 this one. YOU made a smart-ass comment, do you expect me to not say something back? who wouldnt defend themselves, and your PM's dont scare me drew, what could you possible accomplish. YOU think im giving you attitude, but if you just wouldnt make stupid little comments, i wouldnt comment back. Make sense? makes sense to me. but like i said, im your competitor, so you take every opportunity you can to jump on my back (wich is just business i suppose). im still a nice guy, just not to people who are dicks to me (AKA you, and electro, etc), and who did i EVER say owed me anything? lol, now your just pulling things out of your ass. and you say you dont like me because i've been a "dick" to people who have helped me in the past. who has helped me? you? suuuuuure, allot of help you were, you got jealous of me when i launched Dark Lasers, and you THOUGHT i undercutted you on your sled supplier, when in fact
www.LASER-HX.com contacted ME (SLED SUPPLIER!), lol, oh btw, kelly contacted me too, your "new" supplier
And people dont "ask" me questions, they accuse me of things, thats where the defensivness comes from. FYI
@TJ - i dont ignore what daguin sais, i read every word, and try to reconsile, but no one here is the forgiving type, obviously. i can only try so hard, im at the point now where i dont give a shit. ecspecially about you.
anyways, none of you have controll over me, my sales, or my capabilities, so i worry not. rant and rave all you want, Dark Lasers AND DarkArmyOfOne are here to stay wether any of you like it or not. deal with it. or rather, dont. (get my drift..)
dont like me, block me. dont trust me, dont buy from me. simple solution, but your all addicted to drama, so have at it lol, im actually deriving quite a few smiles and laughs from some of these comments, lol
i dont know why your all wasting your time, your only motivating me to try even harder

thanks guys, good boost of moral is just what i needed, now that i know half of you are full of shit, 1/4 of you just dont like me, and the rest im not sure about, but i could also care less, i wouldnt piss on 90% of you to put out a fire. (unless your a descent member, and not a hate-artist)
So whats next? lets all fight somemore! this is a great use of time and resources isnt it?
Give it up already, im not going anywhere, and no one but C0ld himself can make that happen, and theres nothing that warrants such an action. so get a life people, im sure your all having a blast trying to de-fame darklasers, but reguardless, i WILL always be here, and i hope it pisses you off so bad you can sleep electro, lol. i already know it does, just look at your sig, i bet you just cant stand it! and i love it! you deserve it. im glad your wasting your time "attempting" to foul me, that only will end up making YOU look retarded in the end, and motivate me to stay even more! lol, when all this is done and over with, guess who'll still be here? your best buddy DarkArmyOfOne!

because he doesnt sell lasers anymore, so theres no issues currently on-going now is there?
peace to all, and good luck getting rid of me, you all know it isnt gunna happen. accept it, and move on with your lives, if you all dont trust me, then DONT BUY FROM ME!!! wow thats a simple solution, but obviously too much to comprehend for the fools in this thread (that wasnt meant towards everyone)