Alright! Something i can utilise Evolutionary Psychology on!!
Disclaimer: The following is
totally reductionistic and only really considers one approach for understanding issues such as this. Just the way i like it!
In our environment of evolutionary adaptation (or EEA) men will have been out hunting, and women will have stayed at home looking after children. Because of how any time any man can ejaculate into anything roughly female there is a chance that it will end up pregnant, thus baring his child, thus passing his genes on. The best part for the man? There's a big almost year-long gap in which the woman has no choice but to bear it and during that time he can run away, make himself scarce and not contribute to the upbringing of the child. He's won. Conversely, women don't benefit from short-term relationships or casual or careless sex. They're not going to do her
any good as she's then having to drag around a big ol' lump in her womb for the next almost-year which is parasitically chewing away at her hard-gotten food and physically disabling her somewhat from conducting the activities she usually would. It is also very difficult for her to leave this baby in the arms of the father and jet off to repeat the process because she's not able to hand it to him until a lot later and by that time she's invested far more in its upbringing than he has, so if he ditches it and it dies she's lost far more than he has.
Parental investment theory. Trivers is a great man. :bowdown:
So this gives rise to an effect we can all observe all the time. Men will happily fuck anything, and women are picky about partners. Therefore, in the good old EEA, for the best part females would choose their male partners. Although the more attractive ("attractive" being "showing signs of youth, health, likelihood of successful childbearing, e.g. small features concentrated around the centre of the face, symmetrical-appearing facial features, smooth skin, long hair, large eyes, plump lips, curvey hips and large mammary glands") the woman, the more successful ("successful" being "showing signs of youth and health but also of status, power, successful ability to protect her and bring home the bacon, e.g. large abdominal and bicep muscles, testosterone features such as bushy eyebrows and a thick beard, or demonstrable ability to run fast, jump high, throw far, hit hard or perform high-functioning cognitive tasks).
So what do women mainly need to spend their time doing? Looking pretty and youthful. Thus they spend their time changing their hair or buying new clothes, handbags and shoes. And what do men need to spend their time doing? Well, for a start, killing stuff. Young boys will observably gravitate towards aggressive play from very young. Luckily, that's trained out of most of us. So what else can we do? Well... how about, practice our abilities at demonstrating that we're strong and powerful and can protect our women and bring home the bacon? Sports! But, then again, there are many of us (like me) who do not possess large biceps or abdominal muscles and who can't hit hard, run fast or throw far. So what can we do? Play to our strengths and demonstrate high-functioning cognitive ability by... guess what... building lasers!!
I enjoyed that essay.
The negativity women show towards it is a funny thing though. I'm guessing maybe that's because of how men will want to have sex with anything roughly female, women have to do what they can to quell this tendency. So i suppose as soon as a woman is in a relationship with a man she will try to destroy his love of such activities. Mehh... who knows?