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How old where you when..

Re: dead old lasers

I was about 32 when the first laser was invented and I bought my first laser when I was 92 it was a Kriptonite Mark III w/turbo cooling. yep that was a sweeeet lit'l shooter. hell I could kill a fly on the back fence 600 feet away.
sure do miss that one.........


Let me guess, you used to own a Flux Capacitor too!:)

I was 12, it was a he-ne tube, and it was 35 years ago :p

I had also all the plans and material for a ruby rod pulsed type (was building it inside a "alien gunshot" plastic toy, LOL), but never found the ruby rod, so all naufragated :p

BTW, the same he-ne tube assembly, was already converted in a spyro, just after some days :D
6... I bought a 1mW red pointer and took it down to the beach that night, and saw how awesome it was to chuck sand up into the beam :D

Then I bought a spiro kit and mounted the laser into it, and promptly killed it.

Started again at about 12, bought a 16X diode from SenKat from these forums, and blew it up like 5 minutes after receiving it.

15 now, but mainly interested in laser shows and modules.
When I was born, I had a laser in each hand. I used to mess with peoples heads by shooting red laser dots out from my mothers belly button..........LOL LOL rob
I baught my first laser when I was 12, in 1992. It was 79.99 at Radio Shack plus tax($92Canadian) It took 3 N sized batteries to run it and it was 0.08mW. Sure was fun until I shined it onto a cop at the mall and he took it away.
I was about 16, and I have clearly lost count of how many lasers I own! Below are most of my portable lasers, ROFLOL! -Glenn

ZOMFGZOR!! I can see an aquarius there. Just wondering, how much did you spend for all this stuff? really wow, you have a lot of lasers! :drool:
15, same age now, got 2 lasers that work and I will be up to 5 very soon, 3 being blu-ray.
well my first laser was the dilda, then i made my blu-ray labby at 14. and now........im 14 and a half :D:D
10 when i bought a crappy little keychain <5mW red pointer and fell in love, next at 12 i found LPF yes and bought a 10 mW red laser module from aixiz and still have it.
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I was 7, and it was 1990. It was from Service Merchandise, I remember saving up for it for several months. I had the Service Merchandise catalog and I would stare at the picture of that little black key chain laser for hours just trying to figure out how long it would take my to save up $45.00. When I finally got it, it was my pride and joy for about six months until it died and I got a BB gun. I still have the module and diode from it in the bottom of tool box some where.

I built my first burning laser in late 2006 when my local surplus shop (Sky Craft) received a lot of 50 9mm 100mw 670nm diodes. I have been hooked on building them ever since I burned my first hole through a piece of electrical tape:)

I own at about 15 or so now.
I lied, I had a <1mw red at some point, don't remember when, but who didn't, non laser enthusiasts have one, everyone did/does.
I think thats how everyone got hooked a little low powered key chain laser, but also another reason i got hooked was i saw that kip kay video on youtube lol thought it was the right way to build a laser.
I was 14 when I bought a small Siemens HeNe from a local surplus store. A few days later I was given a Radio Shack red pointer. Those were my first lasers.

Since then I've been through a bunch of lasers, bought, sold, and destroyed many, and now I have probably something like 20 working lasers, at least 10 of which I built. Most are diode-based labbys and pointers. I have a few decent DPSS lasers (blue and green only). I have lots and lots of loose diodes, some pressed into modules. The only gas laser I have presently is the Siemens tube I bought at that surplus store 15 years ago. It's also obviously my oldest working laser.
I was (and still am) 16. It was a Dilda.

Yea the Dilda, that was my first few lasers too... cant remember my first one. Probably when i was 5 or something.. Always had a thing for lasers I remember the Dilda as the first laser because that was the beginning of my interest of laser technology...

Sad Story... Sadly the Dilda is no longer in my possession... I have no comfirmation where it is now or if it is in a better place.. I only wish it is having a better life out there...

What happened is short was something like this... It was a dark stormy night and I have been waiting for a night light this to get some great beam shots... But as you all know, nothing ever goes as plan... And the next thing i knew, i realise i forgot to charge the batteries. Not wanting to waste anytime waiting for the batteries to charge, I decided to brave the stormy weather and rush down to the nearest convenience store and get myself some batteries... I remember my girlfriend begged me not to go, told me it wasnt safe... i said to her "My love, when a man has a laser... he needs to see a good beam...Take care of my laser when i am gone". I knew she didnt understand... Pulling out from the drive way i can feel her heart sank... Usually i would never leave her with my laser like this.. but seeing as there are no powered batteries i knew she was safe...
10mins later, I arrived home earlier than expected. I shouted out to my girlfriend calling for her... I searched the house and didnt see her anywhere.. Then, mask by the thundering rain, i heard a moaning sound coming from the bedroom.. Fearing the worst i rushed inside only to see my girlfriend with the dilda... The rest is history, too painful to repeat... From then on i never looked at a dilda the same way again...
