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FrozenGate by Avery

How old where you when..

I started with lasers this past September. So that would put me in the 15-20 category.

(Since then, "laser" is probably the most common two-syllable word that comes out of my mouth).

I bought my first "real" laser when I was 13. Was a 5mW violet laser made by Milos.
I've had some cheap red lasers for a while though.

I built a high-powered ruby laser and opened the 1963 Chicago Science Fair with it - all the TV stations covered the opening ceremony when the laser burst a balloon 20 feet away - the balloon was white !

The rig had about 20 - 100 microfarad, 5KV capacitors and took about 20 minutes to charge up. Ruby from Linde Crystal products in E. Chicago, IN and the laser head was from Trion Instrument Corp in Ann Arbor. Optics Technology vaporized the dielectric coatings on the rubies. The flashlamp (large helical) was hand made at the Kemlite Corp in Chicago at the time.

I shot the beam across the City, watching it hit large buildings late at night. Even shot it at the moon - obviously couldn't see a reflection. I won 1st in Physics and also got to spend a summer at the Army's LASER research labs in Ft. Monmouth, NJ.

I met Dr. T.H. Maiman - inventor of the ruby laser at Hughes research. Kept a number of the dielectric coated rods - also have a large TIR rod. Maybe I'll feel like playing with that high-powered equipment again.
I was 14 when i got my first 1-5 mw red laser.

I was 20 when i got my first REAL laser. a 50mW green one for almost 300$ ( must have been near 80mW. It was bright!)

Just ordered the new 200mW red one from O-like and 100 mw ''true'' green laser from DX

Lasers and young men/boys. It is just a hit.
I bought my first 5mW red laser when i was 8 years old for about 10$. I wasted allmy cash on it xD, later when i was 10 or 11 I built a host for a 9V battery and puted the laser module on it. I guesson those times the drivers were not so good because the power increased so much. I forgot about lasers until the end of 2008 when I bought a grenie from ebay. Then i found LPF and... here I am :P
I was 28 when I bought my first laser, period - a 1mw red cat toy. At that time, they were going for about $50! (at least that was the cheapest one I could find at the time) That was in the spring of 1998. I probably could have acquired one sooner, but I took a job in the fall of 97' working in a machine shop where they used multi-kilowatt lasers to cut and drill things. Before that I didn't know diddly about lasers.

My first high-powered laser was a WL Nexus putting out (supposedly, at the time I didn't know about other laser sellers and WL's generally bad rep) 95mw. That was in 2006, I think. Had a "dry spell" with my laser fixation in between the $50 cat toy and the WL laser.
At 14, a HeNe laserpointer, An old Appollo lasers lecturers's torch bought at a ham fest and repaired the power supply on it. It was almost magical how far it shown the laser dot.
dead old lasers

I was about 32 when the first laser was invented and I bought my first laser when I was 92 it was a Kriptonite Mark III w/turbo cooling. yep that was a sweeeet lit'l shooter. hell I could kill a fly on the back fence 600 feet away.
sure do miss that one.........

i was 15 first one was a hene laser 1mw red .

i have now 7 laser i did have 10 but i sold 3 of them
I have had a few <5mw lasers, both red and green, but I was 17 in 2004 when i got my first real laser, It was a RGY 20k scanner :eg:. Yall are going to laugh but I got my first high powered pointer when I joined here last Christmas. I had my RGY and RGVP scanners WAY before I ever had a real pointer.Now I have >10
I was about 16, and I have clearly lost count of how many lasers I own! Below are most of my portable lasers, ROFLOL! -Glenn
