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How do you pronounce "solder"

How do you pronounce "solder"?

  • "sodder" or "saw-der"

    Votes: 69 70.4%
  • "sol-dur"

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • other (please specify)

    Votes: 5 5.1%

  • Total voters
Sodder, europe.

Yeh, I've watched too many kipkay videos

sodder from spain, althought I've never heard the word, I can't see why would I say it any other way o.o
BTW in Quebec French it is pronounced "sudure" (with a french accent of course):)

Sodder Canada
I don't really care how you pronounce it, as long as I can understand you.
I pronounce it 'sodder' when speaking english, but the dutch word (soldeer) does have the pronounced L, and a bit of a different pronounciation of the vowels as well.
i usually pronounce it sol-dur when i am actively thinking about it, but i often find myself being lazy and jsut say "sodder" or "sotter". i'm from missouri, and i have sex with my cousin ;) thats just how i roll
I started off saying solder until someone corrected me to pronounce it sodder. Now I say sodder.
