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Galaxy S4 or iPhone 5?

What Phone Would You Buy?

  • iPhone 5

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • Galaxy S4

    Votes: 36 69.2%
  • Other....please specify below

    Votes: 5 9.6%

  • Total voters
Mar 27, 2011
The S4 Active is out but apparently compromises performance and some features for its ruggedness. Also the salesman warned that the buttons might wear over time.

Stop listening to said salesman immediately. Unless you plan to use those physical buttons non stop for years, pressing them every waking second, they will outlast other parts of the phone. Like say the battery.

The compromise is mainly to the camera. IMO a small price to pay to avoid having to get a case, or not having to worry about getting caught in a downpour.


Sep 10, 2010
I wont be getting the active because of the screen. It is a plain old LCD not the OLED like gs3 and regular gs4. After having the OLED display I don't think I will ever go back. That contrast :drool:
Feb 23, 2012
To Apple's defense, you can jailbreak it and customize it however you want as well. :)


Aug 25, 2010
IIRC, Jailbreaking is temporarily impossible with the most recent release.

I think I am definitely going to go for the Galaxy S4, but should I go with the regular S4 or the S4 Active? Opinions?


Sep 29, 2009
To Apple's defense, you can jailbreak it and customize it however you want as well. :)

Not even close to the extent you can with android though (even an un-rooted (androids version of jailbreaking) device can do way more)

IIRC, Jailbreaking is temporarily impossible with the most recent release.

I think I am definitely going to go for the Galaxy S4, but should I go with the regular S4 or the S4 Active? Opinions?

Watch/read the review I posted. Find some more reviews on the Active too. From what I can tell its a great device too. If you are at all concerned about the development side of android (ie: rooting/custom roms) the S4 would be a better option due to the larger dev community Otherwise it is just your preference. My S3, although it feels light and flimsy sometimes is a very durable device in my opinion. So I would think that the S4 would be as well, if not better.


I'm more than likely going to be picking up an S4 tomorrow night, so I'll let you know more then if you haven't chose.

All in all they are great devices. Not to confuse you even more, but I'd even look at the HTC ONE while you're at it. I'm assuming you are on AT&T since you are looking at the Active. My carrier doesn't have the HTC ONE but it looks like a really solid device and the specs are on par with the S4. Tthere are some differences in the camera, no removable storage (but comes with 32gb), has good battery life but no removable battery, has front facing speakers and one of the best screens on the market.
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May 9, 2013
Perhaps it is just within my social circles, but this is my observation 99.99% of the time:
The people that I know that use iPhones have no issues with anyone else's choice in phone hardware/software and even support their personal choice and preference... but the people that I know that use Android take every opportunity to evangelize their decision and trash Apple and its products, specifically the iPhone, and point out during they displayed disdain that anyone choosing to use an iPhone must be a clueless tool. It is an odd phenomenon, but prolific IRL.

I was not an early adopter of the iPhone. In fact, it wasn't until years later as the result of a sudden catastrophic hardware failure of my trusty Samsung that I pulled off at the closest AT&T store to purchase a new phone - electing to try an iPhone out. Within 5 minutes, I was back in business... everything that I functionally needed from my office (contacts, calendar, email, etc) was synced via Exchange integration... and it just worked, and continued to work, flawlessly. I use my phone as a critical tool in the process of earning income. I never had the need to seek an alternative to customize things I don't care about, SQA a sea of open apps, play games, etc. Maybe I'm the minority, but I appreciate having zero issues with bugs and or functionality in the several years now I've been using an iPhone. Here's the thing though... I don't care if everyone else uses an Android. I don't care if they never switch. BUT, everyone I know with an Android seems to be very concerned with my obvious lapse in sanity using what I consider to be the most stable, functional, reliable, intuitive phone for business that I've ever used.

Outside of that, I use an iPad as a tablet and I enjoy the cloud sync between the two and centralized management of pics, videos, apps, music (drm and non-drm) for both on one platform (iTunes).

I'm obviously the minority, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in. :)

That being said, I have a good friend that just went to S4 from 4s and loves it. Bottom line, get what you want that fits your life. IMHO, you can't really go "wrong" these days with either.
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May 15, 2010
SG2 Phone of the year, SG3 Phone of the year SG4 is gonna be the phone of the year !!!

No brainer :)
Nov 3, 2010
I have the iPhone 5 from Sept 2012. It's a good phone for everyday use. I love it.
I also bought the Sony Xperia Z today, I can say It's awesome!
S4 it's a peace of Plastic with fake metallic bezel!

At my opinion Xperia Z has better design than iPhone 5, better display (same like s4 YESSS) and reminds me a little bit the playstation software. Also who needs the S4 Features?
May 9, 2013
I just read some stuff on the Xperia... looks to be a nice phone. It's crazy that they are claiming the submersion in water bit... very cool.

I really wish AT&T made it easier to use multiple phones when one of them is an iPhone (this is probably a down-side to iPhone to note). I used to be able to just swap the SIM out with any phone in my dresser and BAM!, I was in business. I am more or less locked into using my iPhone unless I go in and have them make a system change to use a different SIM. That's a bummer because I would try some of these other phones out just to see what the hubbubbaloo is all about.

Oh, this is off topic, but my friend that got the S4 and loves it told me he is having this issue where any incoming MMS he receives gets resized to a tiny resolution - kinda like a thumbnail. He is on Verizon... you think that is a carrier issue or an OS setting? He can't find a way to change it. If oyu know that answer and want to shoot me a PM so as to not derail the thread, I would appreciate it. I'm sure he would too! Thanks :)

One other thing to note about iPhone (even though I love mine) is they are quite fragile. Apparently it only takes about 8 margaritas to make the screen crack against concrete.


I have the iPhone 5 from Sept 2012. It's a good phone for everyday use. I love it.
I also bought the Sony Xperia Z today, I can say It's awesome!
S4 it's a peace of Plastic with fake metallic bezel!

At my opinion Xperia Z has better design than iPhone 5, better display (same like s4 YESSS) and reminds me a little bit the playstation software. Also who needs the S4 Features?
Aug 7, 2010
I have a htc g1... old phone but with custom rom and overclock its pretty good.
IMO most android phones + custom rom + overclocking = win
Jul 1, 2013
easy choice, hands down! and less battery life!??????? I call HUGE BS!!!! Same thing was said about the iPhone 4S VS S3 but my S3 out lives all my friends 4S. best ive done on my S3 was 2 days 17 hours on one charge and HEAVILY using my phone for texting, games and internet. andriod out lives any iphone on battery life.

not as pretty is a personal opinion and cant argue the harder to use part. iphone's are idiot proof but they are less sophisticated in order to do this. andriod takes common sense and brains to use :p

EDIT: Speedy, it will drown on its own. steve jobs was the only innovator there and the reason why they were sooooo successful. now that he is gone (unfortunately) the company is running out of his ideas and inventions, thus they will sink like the rock that they are

Hi Agree i have S3 and S4 awesome phones rooted etc get the S4 ,but no
idea about battery life you are living on same planet where an hour is a
An hour not 3 ,only thinks sucks on my S3 and S4 is battery life no.matter what i have done to extend it put in bigger higher capacity battery that worked well standard battery no way just my 2 cents
Feb 21, 2013
Why even get the active, the normal S4 is just as safe with water and dropping

Dec 23, 2008
I didn't see which network you would be on... this makes a huge difference. Don't get the S4 if you plan to be on sprint. If you have any symbols in your wife's name, your text messaging wont work. I've had the s4 for 2 months, sprint and Samsung still don't acknowledge the problem. I've found the solution on an android forum. An amateur developer went into his system and found the problem. I have sent the whole thread multiple times to sprint and Samsung. and both of them still keep blaming each other.

I've already verified that my self that if keep your wifi off, or change the name to just letters only, it works. This is only a sprint/Samsung problem.
Other than that... it is a great phone with the best camera I've ever seen on a phone.

