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Galaxy S4 or iPhone 5?

What Phone Would You Buy?

  • iPhone 5

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • Galaxy S4

    Votes: 36 69.2%
  • Other....please specify below

    Votes: 5 9.6%

  • Total voters
Not to mention how you have zero control over anything in phone you just slent way to much on... You buy an android. You rent from apple.

The 5 wins on every other fight. Camera quality, camera speed, camera in dark environments, speed of the phone, speed of apps, FPS in games, speed of browsing, design, construction, simplicity, smoothness, warranty support and battery life.

:crackup: Thats the best joke ive heard all day

BestBuy has the best warranty and only reason Apple has a "good" warranty is since they know their product is junk so only way to retain customers is coming out with new junk before the old stuff breaks or no questions asked warranty but we will charge you out the butt to repair it.

Only thing Apple did right was the iPod. Give them 2 years before they go under. Steve Jobs was Apple, Apple was Steve Jobs.
Everyone who voted for the s4 likes its bigger screen, nfc, gestures or multitasking. I eont mention costumslisation, this is for android vs iphone talk.
Any other reason is probaly because they dont have money for a 5. The 5 wins on every other fight. Camera quality, camera speed, camera in dark envoirements, speed of the phone, speed of apps, FPS in games, speed of browsing, design, construction, simplicity, smoothness, warrenty support and battery life.

Good sir, have you been partaking of the wine a wee bit early today?
Everyone who voted for the s4 likes its bigger screen, nfc, gestures or multitasking. I eont mention costumslisation, this is for android vs iphone talk.
Any other reason is probaly because they dont have money for a 5. The 5 wins on every other fight. Camera quality, camera speed, camera in dark envoirements, speed of the phone, speed of apps, FPS in games, speed of browsing, design, construction, simplicity, smoothness, warrenty support and battery life.

Here is a comparison of the specs: Samsung Galaxy S4 vs Apple iPhone 5 - Phone specs comparison
Add in the HTC one... :whistle: highest customer ratings, and several reviewers have chosen to keep it over the samsung.

iCrap wasn't even in the running.
The only good reason to get an iPhone...

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I think its so funny when iSheep try to say their phone is better than all the android phones.

The OLED is a main reason why I went S4, dont regret it. Im sure you would be equally happy with the htc one it just depends what's more important to you. For me media on my phone is really important so the OLED and the ability to put in a 64g sd card made it an easy choice
I swapped my internal and external memory. 64Gb, goodbye to worrying about filling up my phone with pictures, video, etc.
Galaxy S4 = Samsung

Samsung = Korean

Korean = Me (KRNAZNBOY -> Krn Azn Boy -> Korean Asian Boy)

Therefore, Galaxy = Derishous! :D
Perhaps it is just within my social circles, but this is my observation 99.99% of the time:
The people that I know that use iPhones have no issues with anyone else's choice in phone hardware/software and even support their personal choice and preference... but the people that I know that use Android take every opportunity to evangelize their decision and trash Apple and its products, specifically the iPhone, and point out during they displayed disdain that anyone choosing to use an iPhone must be a clueless tool. It is an odd phenomenon, but prolific IRL.

I've experienced quite the opposite in my day to day interactions with my peers. It's probably only about 66% of the time the battles come up and it's always the Apple users who don't necessarily bash any other device in particular, but go on and on and on about how fantastic their Apple product is and it can do this and that. I really couldn't care less what they use, but their constant nagging about their opinion of how superior they are gets really annoying. It is only THEN that someone that isn't Apple owned will stand up and fight back.

Anyways, it's not a war or anything - it comes down to personal preference and what you need the device to do for you.

I got an S4 because it does everything I need it to do and I don't have to replace everything I own with Apple to use it to its fullest extent including writing my own apps.

I've also heard the Nexus 5 is great - although I haven't had my hands on one.
I personally own the note2 and love it. Can't beat customization and open source apps.
iPhone to Android is kinda like comparing PS4 to Xbox One.......good try Apple and Sony ;)
