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Craziest Thing You've Ever Done

Craziest things I've ever done were pyro and projectile related. When I was young around 14, before I moved to utah, I had just learned how a block and tackle works, as well as saw someone demonstrate the age old snare concept. I took the two ideas and merged them together. In my parents back yard there were two decently sized trees. I used a ladder and some ingenuity to tie some ropes to the tops of these trees. I then found the block and tackle that was used to demonstrate the concept to some of the local scouts. I used the block and tackle to bend BOTH the trees down and tied them off to a rope at the base of the third tree. I ran two ropes between the two now bent over trees and tied a blanked around them to load with ammo. (incidentally the trees don't bend over as much as you would think...)
First try: a basketball. method of firing the launcher? I found a hatchet and took a whack at the rope around the third tree. When cut, the trees DIDN'T spring up at the same time, so the shot went fairly off to the side landing in a horse pasture that was behind my parents property.
Second attempt used a soccer ball. It took a LOT of time to get the trees back down for another shot. (had to untie the ropes holding them together then bend them back down one at a time again) I slid the blanket to the side to try to compensate for the sideways shot at the first time. when I cut the anchoring rope around the third tree this time, the rope kind of grabbed the hatchet and tore it out of my hands. it went flying and dented the wood on my parents deck. The ball took a surprisingly different track and actually went considerably farther. right into the window of the house next to the horse pasture. Thankfully it didn't break.

Third attempt. one of the two trees broke when attempting to pull it back down.

My parents got home, to find a LOT of rope all snarled up, carelessly put away, dirty, sticky with sap, one of the trees in the backyard broken, and me with some nice rope burns on my hands and arms from the work of trying to pull down the trees. I was in a little bit of trouble.

Pyro stupid things was using a can of Raid insectiside and some matches to kill the black widows that loved to build webs around my house, underneath the WOOD siding... REALLY surprised I didn't light the house on fire, And making homemade fireworks from the store bought types. (crackling whips and crackling ball fireworks explode NICELY when you ignite them in a container that can handle some pressure.......) I lit my biggest homemade firework from the crackling balls off in an empty parking lot at 1:00 a.m. the burst with the sparkling balls was somewhere around 20m high. The noise level of the soup can that was filled with them detonating was *extremely* loud. Quite impressive. sadly by the time I got back to my jeep I saw these pretty red and blue lights flashing on top of a nice white colored car. The penalty for messing with the fireworks? Having fun in court plea bargaining down a second degree felony of bomb making down to a mere class A misdemeanor.... big ouch. Thankfully the fines and sentence happened in late august of 2001. I hate to think just a few weeks longer in court would have been. as a sentence after sept 11, 2001 probably would have been more then a fine and suspended sentence....

Moral of the story: don't play with fireworks....


Placed a 1.5 inch pipe bomb in a gallon of gasoline on a small raft afloat in a populated lake at like 1:30 am.

I was 16 at the time, wrapped the fuse in a thin rubber hose (fish tank air hose) to keep the gas from getting it wet.

It was sweet!

Quite sorry but in 1980, there was NO digital cameras or any sort of portable video equipment, so Pics are not available.
when i was 12 yers old (now 14) i liked to jump in trampoline (those 4 meters wide) once i draggen that tranpoline near roof (about 4 meters hi) then clibed to roof and jumped down
then i got an idea....i decided to jump head first....it hurt:yabbem:

still thinking why i dit it:eg:
Hmm the craziest thing i have done....
Well i went skiing in Utah at snowbird and got bored with there runs. so i decided after some drinking to hike to the very top of the mountain and ski down the back bowl. The back bowl had been closed due to avalanches in the recent moths due to large snow fall. Starting to see where this goes.... On my way up to the top i climbed my way threw 4-5 small avalanches only up to my waist high. i get to a nice rock formation and decided it is time to get my skis on. I get them on and then i sneeze i thought god would that be funny if i caused a huge avalanche? well i didn't but not one second after i dropped off the rock ledge onto the power below did i hear a rumble. The snow on the cliff and below Came lose. Not just a small one a large sheet bigger than i am tall by enough for me to wet myself almost on spot. As i locked back the sheet was to large for me to strafe out of the way i just Had to run. BTW you cant out run one of these. I got into a nice ball grabbed onto my knees kept as tucked as possible. i hit speeds that ripped my hood clean off my jacket (fabric ripped right off). After only a few seconds i got hit in the back by the wall on snow. only to go faster. I went speeds fast enough to blur and make my vision lose color. maybe it was the impact but it was scary. I seemed like forever to get down. But it was 5-9 minutes to get to the bottom. (normally a good 45min run) After i reached the bottom i final got engulfed in snow. Thank god for the ski patrol who had seen the avalanche and thought they saw something in it. decided to investigate it. After only 3 min of being crushed by ice did they hear my screams (yes real men scream, in the face of death) and they dug me out. I had no broken bones and only slight busing on my back. They said i was lucky and ice sheet decided to push me instead of flattening me right then and there and tossing me down the mountain.
I still love to ski but i must say i will never go on an unopened run.
I shook and could not sleep for days. i found my self in a psychiatrists office for a while before i could sleep without meds.
2 short stories:
1: this old lady kept calling the cops on my friend for his dogs barking, so we set off a roll of 2000 firecrackers on her doorstep, I timed it at 5 minutes of straight cracking.

2: I was having a ski race with my friend, and my other friend was at the bottom with his radar meter: He clocked us at 36MPH in a bumpy slow zone, but anyway, my friend did a 180 off of a small cliff, almost fell over, and nocked some woman 4 feet backwards (and over) and then said "sorry, on a race" and zoomed up next to me. So as we approached the bottom, I didn't think much of it then, but a half dozen ski patrol vehicles were closing on us :o and when we were about 30 yards from the bottom, they literally made a wall of snow mobiles to protect the crowds from us. We skidded to a stop so hard I screwed up my knee for the week. They ALMOST took our passes, but we told them my friend's sister was in the hospital, and I limped over to the bus with him and we took off. We were so scared we completely ditched our friend at the mountain, haha. That was a really crazy day.
2 short stories:
1: this old lady kept calling the cops on my friend for his dogs barking, so we set off a roll of 2000 firecrackers on her doorstep, I timed it at 5 minutes of straight cracking...

Hahaha, you shouldn't have unrolled it. 5 minutes down to 15 seconds. This guy decided not to unroll his 16000 firecrackers, I would say he had a roll of about 2000 that didn't light at the end:

Hahaha, you shouldn't have unrolled it. 5 minutes down to 15 seconds. This guy decided not to unroll his 16000 firecrackers, I would say he had a roll of about 2000 that didn't light at the end:

Love that video :) but we started up at her driveway, then down to her door, so we could light it as far away as possible. We even taped like 6 extra inches of fuse to give us more running time :)
Man I have a ton of stories, but they are all mostly illegal and dirty LOL.

C'mon, I told my worst stories, you can at least tell SOME of them. After all, you are the OP.

@Jaseth: I'm really looking forward to those stories, whenever you decide to write them out and post them. If not, that's fine too, just let us know!

OK...dont judge me by my past acts. I have grown since then LOL. This is the short story.

When I was 20 I was living in St. Pete Florida with my nephew and best friend. I was driving to work and saw 3 girls hitch hiking on the side of the road. I pulled up and asked where were they going, they said "Anywhere you're going". Sooo they hopped in and I sped home instead of work. I found out they were a "little" younger than I thought originally. They ran away from a group home for girls. They were tired of getting hit on by the lesbians in the home, and were so horny they were losing their minds. Well..you didnt have to tell me this twice, so I got out a bottle JD, and some lenths of rope. We spent the next 3 hours frolicking and I decided we should take a break and get some food. The 4 of us (naked) walked into the living room to find my nephew and friend sitting there wide eyed. So we got some food and I looked over at the guys and said "Who is next"? They almost broke their legs trying to jump over each other to be first LOL. A day goes by and one of the girls says she is taking off but will be back. A few hours later she came back with her 2 friends and the party started all over again. We were going through so much booze we had a roof top car carrier filled with cans and bottles after a few days. We would drag it to the dumpster, and the guy picking up cans for deposit money almost had a heart attack. This went on for 3 weeks. I lost my job because there was no way I was going to sit at work while an orgy was going on a my house LOL. In the end I bought all the girls bus tickets to go back home and try to patch things up with their families. We spent hours cleaning the house after the girls left. Just after we finished I heard a knock at the door. I said "come in" and a cop walked in. He said he had complaints from the black woman next door. She said that there was a loud party at my house and she was sick of it. The cop said he had been listening at the door for a while and had not heard anything. I told the cop she hates whites and is always complaining about stupid crap. The cop said "Dont worry about it, we wont bother you again if she calls back".
OK...dont judge me by my past acts. I have grown since then LOL. This is the short story.

When I was 20 I was living in St. Pete Florida with my nephew and best friend. I was driving to work and saw 3 girls hitch hiking on the side of the road. I pulled up and asked where were they going, they said "Anywhere you're going". Sooo they hopped in and I sped home instead of work. I found out they were a "little" younger than I thought originally. They ran away from a group home for girls. They were tired of getting hit on by the lesbians in the home, and were so horny they were losing their minds. Well..you didnt have to tell me this twice, so I got out a bottle JD, and some lenths of rope. We spent the next 3 hours frolicking and I decided we should take a break and get some food. The 4 of us (naked) walked into the living room to find my nephew and friend sitting there wide eyed. So we got some food and I looked over at the guys and said "Who is next"? They almost broke their legs trying to jump over each other to be first LOL. A day goes by and one of the girls says she is taking off but will be back. A few hours later she came back with her 2 friends and the party started all over again. We were going through so much booze we had a roof top car carrier filled with cans and bottles after a few days. We would drag it to the dumpster, and the guy picking up cans for deposit money almost had a heart attack. This went on for 3 weeks. I lost my job because there was no way I was going to sit at work while an orgy was going on a my house LOL. In the end I bought all the girls bus tickets to go back home and try to patch things up with their families. We spent hours cleaning the house after the girls left. Just after we finished I heard a knock at the door. I said "come in" and a cop walked in. He said he had complaints from the black woman next door. She said that there was a loud party at my house and she was sick of it. The cop said he had been listening at the door for a while and had not heard anything. I told the cop she hates whites and is always complaining about stupid crap. The cop said "Dont worry about it, we wont bother you again if she calls back".

:O wow good times
I've had a real eventful life. When I was growing up older people always told me that instead of working my whole life and saving the good times for later, do them now while you are still healthy enough to enjoy them. And I've always lived my life that way. It has its downside too. I went to jail for a short term and was homeless a couple of times. But I always made the best of it, and always found people kind enough to help me out.

I'm domesticated now though LOL.
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The oldest one that i can remember, is when i made a gas bomb, using a plastic tube, an electric ignitor, and 15 lighters butane gas cans for fill the tube, just for see what a gas explosion can do.

It made a damn hell of fireball ..... and i was 14 (more or less)
