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Craziest Thing You've Ever Done

I can cook thank you very much Jay :p
I am a very good cook at that, impressing several girls with my 1337 skillz.

The reason I have had to just eat pizza is lack of time.. If there was any food in my fridge I would make it into a nice dinner, but alas - I am doomed to living off junk food until Monday when the shops open :(


Man I love pizza Sebastian! I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and I have! mmmm)
Wow I hope you guys like reading cause the story is getting really really long.. It should be up in a few hours at the most :)


EDIT: Writer's block.. lol
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a few years ago(i was 15), i had the bright idea of backing the contents of one screaming bottle rocket into a little pipe with one end blocked off. it was about 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 inch deep. i then but some bird shot wrapped up in paper. now if you have ever played with the plastic screaming bottle rockets, you know that the stuff in them is quiet explosive. its even more explosive than the silver flash powder. long story short, it blew up with one hell of a bang. it scared the shit out of me. i cleaned up what evidents were left and hid in my basement expecting the cops to show up. luckily for me, no one complained. i did this in the middle of town and would have to compare it to a 30-6 rifle going off.

also, downing 5 shots of moonshine at once is a bad idea. . . that story is to be told another time.
Man I love pizza Sebastian! I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and I have! mmmm)
Me too, AWSOME!
pizza is what i eat every day, 24/7 man breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack.
its amazing how im not even close to being fat.
Wow thanks for bumping this thread, with all the Tyler drama going on I had completely forgotten to finish my story.. Hope I get time tomorrow before I have to go to a party. I think lectures end early so yeah, story #1 will probably be up Friday evening, GMT+1. For real this time, haha. I will put a post-it on my screen.

Most of the crazy stuff I've done involves pyro, but there are plenty of other crazy (or just stupid) things as well. Most of this was in my teenage years.

1. Friends and I used to go "paintballing" which involved shooting houses, buildings, cars, etc (NOT people). Not very smart considering you could get in serious trouble for it. Accidently broke someone's window doing it too, which got a police blotter entry. Kinda surprised me since we were >50ft away.

2. Built potato guns and also shot stuff we shouldn't have. There's still a street sign down near my house with a big dent in it...

3. Spray painted a stop sign entirely green with the word "GO" in white... surprisingly, it was replaced the next day.

4. Building a homemade firecracker... in my bedroom... was sealing it with candle wax and accidently caught the fuse with the flame. Ran around my room for a few seconds going "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap", ran out of the room to the stairs and threw it toward the foyer which had marble tile floors where it landed and immediately, BOOM! It left a big scorch mark on the tile and luckily it wiped clean, but I then had to vent all the smoke out of the house before parents came home.

5. Made some DIY "AP", thought I'd put a small pile of it in a small glass "pomade" jar that had a wide open top. Well, the stuff ignited and proceeded to instantly shatter the jar into little glass fragments that went flying at high speed, one of which ended up embedded in my ear (and not my eye!). Yeah, no more glass containers for explosives for me.

6. Modified a firework rocket (the kind with fins that stands on its own) with 30g flash powder. Worked fine in previous attempts, but the wind must have had its way with this one because it was only 30ft off the ground when it made a 90 degree turn TOWARD MY NEIGHBORS HOUSE! The weight also slowed down the lift off and it ended up delaying it enough that it exploded right over the tree between our houses. Otherwise, I don't think the neighbor would have been very happy with me.

7. This year, close call with fireworks. Setting off some of the small shells that you buy at the store. Timer fuse must have been defective or something because when my brother and I lit off one each, we only were about 10ft away when mine decided to explode only about 5ft off the ground. Scared the crap out of us as the burning crackling stars went flying past us and left our ears ringing from the report. Little more cautious about the rest of them.

I'm sure there are plenty more, but enough for now ;)
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Most of the crazy stuff I've done involves pyro, but there are plenty of other crazy (or just stupid) things as well. Most of this was in my teenage years.

1. Friends and I used to go "paintballing" which involved shooting houses, buildings, cars, etc (NOT people). Not very smart considering you could get in serious trouble for it. Accidently broke someone's window doing it too, which got a police blotter entry. Kinda surprised me since we were >50ft away.

2. Built potato guns and also shot stuff we shouldn't have. There's still a street sign down near my house with a big dent in it...

3. Spray painted a stop sign entirely green with the word "GO" in white... surprisingly, it was replaced the next day.

4. Building a homemade firecracker... in my bedroom... was sealing it with candle wax and accidently caught the fuse with the flame. Ran around my room for a few seconds going "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap", ran out of the room to the stairs and threw it toward the foyer which had marble tile floors where it landed and immediately, BOOM! It left a big scorch mark on the tile and luckily it wiped clean, but I then had to vent all the smoke out of the house before parents came home.

5. Made some DIY "AP", thought I'd put a small pile of it in a small glass "pomade" jar that had a wide open top. Well, the stuff ignited and proceeded to instantly shatter the jar into little glass fragments that went flying at high speed, one of which ended up embedded in my ear (and not my eye!). Yeah, no more glass containers for explosives for me.

6. Modified a firework rocket (the kind with fins that stands on its own) with 30g flash powder. Worked fine in previous attempts, but the wind must have had its way with this one because it was only 30ft off the ground when it made a 90 degree turn TOWARD MY NEIGHBORS HOUSE! The weight also slowed down the lift off and it ended up delaying it enough that it exploded right over the tree between our houses. Otherwise, I don't think the neighbor would have been very happy with me.

7. This year, close call with fireworks. Setting off some of the small shells that you buy at the store. Timer fuse must have been defective or something because when my brother and I lit off one each, we only were about 10ft away when mine decided to explode only about 5ft off the ground. Scared the crap out of us as the burning crackling stars went flying past us and left our ears ringing from the report. Little more cautious about the rest of them.

I'm sure there are plenty more, but enough for now ;)

OMG! Thank you for sharing my life story. hahaha. But seriously two years ago on the 4th of july I went to a party and we all sat about 15ft away from the mortar tube. The geniuses running the show decided to try a larger size mortar in a smaller size tube. And not just once but twice, they exploded about 5 ft off the ground. Insane!

Also I was once trying to make a super snapper ( a bunch of those littles paper snappers combined. I must have had about fifteen of them in a pile. Then everthing went slow-mo as I emptied the contents of another snapper into the pile from about 1 inch. Right when the contents of the snapper collided with the pile, I felt like a flash bang had gone off in my face (which was about a foot away from the pile). I was sprayed with the little rocks and momentarily blinded and had the loudest ringing in my ears. I have many other fireworks stories I might go into later, but none of the are really that amazing.

About the stop signs thing, a lot of people in my town write things under the stop such as bush, war and voldemort. Same in anyone elses town?

I'm only 16 so I'm allowed to do all of this stuff by the way. :)
I've got one my dad told me. My grandpa thought it'd be funny to sneak around the house, with a jacket pulled up so you couldn't tell who he was, and so it looked like he had no head. It was at night, and my grandma almost shot him.
I've got one my dad told me. My grandpa thought it'd be funny to sneak around the house, with a jacket pulled up so you couldn't tell who he was, and so it looked like he had no head. It was at night, and my grandma almost shot him.

hahaha ...oh my god
Hmmm, I was like 22 at the time, I was dating a 16 year old and she was babysitting.

Jumped out a third story window when "mom" stopped by un-announced.

Outran a cop on a 10 speed bicycle by crossing a river (the hard way)
