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Craziest Thing You've Ever Done

I've been making those potassiumN/sugar smoke bombs but I withheld the powdered dye and it went off like a rocket! It just isn't right without the dye. I think it acts like a filler, preventing a lot of combustion at once.

I've been making those potassiumN/sugar smoke bombs but I withheld the powdered dye and it went off like a rocket! It just isn't right without the dye. I think it acts like a filler, preventing a lot of combustion at once.

Nah man.. you prob got the mixture wrong.

50/50 for med amount of smoke/burn time
60/40 slow burn alot of smoke (sugar/kno3)
40/60 for quick reaction (sugar/kno3)
30/70 for use in rockets.. quick burn time, less residue (sugar/kno3)

ratios are by weight

Dye does nothing other then change the color of the smoke.
to many to list... I'm religious due to the fact that I'm faithful, and still alive.

I had a fun time when hurricane Andrew came thru Florida hanging around outside
until the wind hit about 100mph mind you gust came in at 145 to 150mph, but consistently at 100mph for the better half of the day.

When hurricane Charlie rip thru the area I took shelter. fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
How about, building a home made sparkler rocket, then asking your dad if we can go to the park to let it off. When father refuses to take you to park... y not set it off in your back yard?

It shot off from one side of my yard, then flew over my house, exploded, changed course then landed on my next door neibours roof, and caught on fire.... :D ohh the fun things we doo....

BTW I got many more.... I'm trying to find the video of me on my dirt bike, face planting.
Stole a police light bar on a scavenger hunt. There was a 5K prize for it, but someone beat me to it.

Called my GF at the busiest time in her work day on April 1st and told her that her grandmother (who she is very close) was rushed to the hospital and died. Just before she started to cry I yelled "April Fools". Not my proudest moment. :undecided:

White lining on my CBX 1000 doing 130+mph for 100 miles. I shook for 3 hours from the adrenaline rush LOL.

When I was a kid we used to steal mail boxes, signs, picnic tables, ect, hide them, and put them back a week later. Yeah we were bored.

Used to hop freight trains to get from one part of the state to another when I didn't have transportation.

My nephew, who was more like my bother, was a virgin till he was 18. When he was 16 I set him up with this slut I knew. She ended up teasing him for hours. He came home limping from blue balls. I told him the only way to get rid of blue balls was to rub one out. He went into his bedroom, and after 3 minutes I told my mom that he wanted to talk to her. She went into his room, and yelled "Oh, I'm sorry". He came out a short time later, and his face was so red I thought he was going to pass out LOL. :D
piano2011-'After about 5 minutes of that my nipples almost got frostbite' and rocketp--'Just plain weird- where I went down to a teenager and bum hangout, peed in an empty bottle, and took a crap on the top of it to seal it. The bottle was broken and the poop flung a few feet away the next day.'(QUOTES
When I was about 12, my buddy stole his moms car (station wagon) and 3 of us filled up the back seat with about 100 softball sized rocks and went "drive by" rock throwing for a few hours. At property not people of course:eg: It was on the news. I cant imagine how much it woulda cost if we got caught:tsk:

I did a lot of stupid, senseless vandalism when I was young.
This was Last weekend,

So its close to Halloween, me and my 6 friends decide to pile into my friends mini-van. It has no middle seat so it looks kinda like a helicopter open bay kinda deal.

So we start driving around at like 10:30 and we start opening the doors of the van (they are sliding) and while we are creeping along in neighbor hoods we would open the doors and have people run out and go grab pumpkins off of peoples' porches.

We have about 8 pumpkins in our car by this time and everyone thinks that it will be a good idea to throw them at signs and mailboxes. So we open the door and im kneeling by the edge of the door and i throw a pumpkin at a mailbox that is going by and it "destroys the mailbox and sounds like a shotgun"

After throwing like 7 of them, i hit 6 out of 7. We only have one left and it weights about 20-25lbs. By this time we are kinda tired of this and we are going down a simi-main road doing about 40mph. My friend opens the door and i go to throw the pumpkin at the sign.

However, when i thrust it forward i start going out of the car. In my mind im like "holy fuck!" While I'm falling out of the door of the car i some how turn my body around so that i am now falling backwords out of the car. All i remember is trying to grab this handle that is right by the door but at this point it is too far away from me to reach because I'm now parallel with the road about 3 feet above it still falling. My whole upperbody all the way down to my thighs are out of the car at this point and my head is VERY close to the road!

My friend somehow manages to grab my hand at literally the 'last" second and pull me back into the back. They shut the door and everyone in the car is freaking out and asking me if i was ok. I am just hysterical for about 5 minutes and couldn't talk. I was laughing/crying and my adrenaline was pumping so hard!

That was the craziest thing that has happened to me, because well i almost died.
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Hmmm..I think something was trying to tell you something. Your parents would have loved to read in the newspaper their son died because he was throwing pumpkins at mailboxes. How stupid would that have been? About as stupid as stealing pumpkins and throwing them at mailboxes I guess.
Nah man.. you prob got the mixture wrong.

50/50 for med amount of smoke/burn time
60/40 slow burn alot of smoke (sugar/kno3)
40/60 for quick reaction (sugar/kno3)
30/70 for use in rockets.. quick burn time, less residue (sugar/kno3)

ratios are by weight

Dye does nothing other then change the color of the smoke.

No I tried all of that. And I know that the dye only changes the color but then again it does add more matter to the mixture for air to come in or whatever but I do know for sure it helps.
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Got married for the 2cnd time

lols :)

The only thing I can remember which was scary, I was at a sponsored sailing event in Belgium, where the safety cover was awful, we were out racing around 2 miles to sea in a two man boat not much longer than 3-4 meters.

We were around the 25 knot mark which is the most wind we would race in for our class, and we were waiting around for the race to start when a weather front came through and it picked up to around 55 knots... It was crazily windy with waves so large you couldn't see the mast of the boat in front. After around 3 minutes our mast snapped and with hardly any safety cover we spent around 20 minutes drifting around with a temp of 5 degrees... Thought I was gonna pass out it was so cold lol. Came out with hypothermia and a nasty bump to the head :)
This was Last weekend,

So its close to Halloween, me and my 6 friends decide to pile into my friends mini-van. It has no middle seat so it looks kinda like a helicopter open bay kinda deal.

So we start driving around at like 10:30 and we start opening the doors of the van (they are sliding) and while we are creeping along in neighbor hoods we would open the doors and have people run out and go grab pumpkins off of peoples' porches.

We have about 8 pumpkins in our car by this time and everyone thinks that it will be a good idea to throw them at signs and mailboxes. So we open the door and im kneeling by the edge of the door and i throw a pumpkin at a mailbox that is going by and it "destroys the mailbox and sounds like a shotgun"

After throwing like 7 of them, i hit 6 out of 7. We only have one left and it weights about 20-25lbs. By this time we are kinda tired of this and we are going down a simi-main road doing about 40mph. My friend opens the door and i go to throw the pumpkin at the sign.

However, when i thrust it forward i start going out of the car. In my mind im like "holy fuck!" While I'm falling out of the door of the car i some how turn my body around so that i am now falling backwords out of the car. All i remember is trying to grab this handle that is right by the door but at this point it is too far away from me to reach because I'm now parallel with the road about 3 feet above it still falling. My whole upperbody all the way down to my thighs are out of the car at this point and my head is VERY close to the road!

My friend somehow manages to grab my hand at literally the 'last" second and pull me back into the back. They shut the door and everyone in the car is freaking out and asking me if i was ok. I am just hysterical for about 5 minutes and couldn't talk. I was laughing/crying and my adrenaline was pumping so hard!

That was the craziest thing that has happened to me, because well i almost died.

Ehh a little road rash never killed anyone. It puts hair on your chest!
lols :)

The only thing I can remember which was scary, I was at a sponsored sailing event in Belgium, where the safety cover was awful, we were out racing around 2 miles to sea in a two man boat not much longer than 3-4 meters.

We were around the 25 knot mark which is the most wind we would race in for our class, and we were waiting around for the race to start when a weather front came through and it picked up to around 55 knots... It was crazily windy with waves so large you couldn't see the mast of the boat in front. After around 3 minutes our mast snapped and with hardly any safety cover we spent around 20 minutes drifting around with a temp of 5 degrees... Thought I was gonna pass out it was so cold lol. Came out with hypothermia and a nasty bump to the head :)
That's Belgium for ya.. leaves you sick and with a headache. Same consequences for me this holiday when I went back there to party with some old friends. :beer::angel:
For me i guess it would have to be taking a life! Its the worst thing in the world to have to live with after the fact and it is something that i am not proud of .
That's Belgium for ya.. leaves you sick and with a headache. Same consequences for me this holiday when I went back there to party with some old friends. :beer::angel:

Ah the drink was a different matter, there was an entire off-licence built into the wall just opposite the sailing club, we had a field day :d
