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Craziest Thing You've Ever Done

Okay Seriously Jay stop posting things that involve me in them
I clearly posted that I am not proud that I have taken lives
so relax with your comments , what I posted in my last post was merely
a fact so dont twist my words around ...

Check your rep.

this is not as crazy as the things that u ppl did:

i went to poland wen i was 3. my grandma bought me a bb gun. this was when i first herd about gta2, i was watching my polish cousin play it. so i took my bb gun and shooted cars, ppl, and their fruits (my grandma and grandpa are farmers and sold food like berries to ppl with local farmers).

my mom let me drive her car wen i was in 4th grade.
this is not as crazy as the things that u ppl did:

i went to poland wen i was 3. my grandma bought me a bb gun. this was when i first herd about gta2, i was watching my polish cousin play it. so i took my bb gun and shooted cars, ppl, and their fruits (my grandma and grandpa are farmers and sold food like berries to ppl with local farmers).

my mom let me drive her car wen i was in 4th grade.
This, sir, is why video games are getting a bad rep. :tsk:
Ok guys, first of all this is my post #1000 (yay), secondly I have no idea which story I should tell.. so I will let you decide. I have not got time or energy to tell them all as each one could probably be expanded into a short story of about 20 pages.

Here are the possible ones. I have left out the most personal of my crazy stories.. they aren't really appropriate on a public forum.

1) For months my neighbour had been annoying the hell out of me, working in his garden from 7am until 10pm every single day of the week. He would mow the lawn with a large tractor, cut down trees and cut tiles and stones. He built a the biggest shed allowed by the local laws about 1 yard from my garden, changing my view from nice trees and birds to.. a shed.
This story is about how I one day got my revenge. It involves a spud gun (aka potato launcher).

2) A school bully had grabbed my girlfriends ass and tried to force her into a kiss while I was at the bar ordering drinks and our other friends had not yet arrived. This story is about what my girlfriend and I did following this, and the many things it led to. It involves violence, so reader discretion is advised.

3) This is a story about how a "quiet night in" with two friends evolved into a night of mayhem. It involves violence, excessive alcohol consumption, foul language, drug abuse and sex, so it is highly advisable that you do not choose this one unless you are very tolerant.

4) A story about doing the old pig-trick at our school (release three pigs painted with numbers 1, 2 and 4.. they will spend all day looking for #3). The three pigs in question were all HUGE, quite energetic and very interested in people. This story is not that crazy, but still quite funny. As a bonus I may be able to get a couple of pics my friend took of the pigs before we released them and while they are eating a rose bush. No animals were harmed.

Those are the ones I am prepared to tell, so let me know what you want to hear :)

The stupidest thing I've done involves 308 cartridges and a pellet rifle(You can probably imagine what happened).

Second stupidest thing was pulling 3 all-nighters in a row(without caffeine), then proceeding to drive 50km home.

Third stupidest thing was attempting to steal a fire hydrant:crackup:When I was about 14, a friend told me that the visible section of the fire hydrant is "just a shell" and that the actual valve was under the hydrant. Needless to say, several bolts later and I found it was not the case.
Ok guys, first of all this is my post #1000 (yay), secondly I have no idea which story I should tell.. so I will let you decide. I have not got time or energy to tell them all as each one could probably be expanded into a short story of about 20 pages.

Those are the ones I am prepared to tell, so let me know what you want to hear :)


You can tell them all if you sum up
This was Last weekend,

So its close to Halloween, me and my 6 friends decide to pile into my friends mini-van. It has no middle seat so it looks kinda like a helicopter open bay kinda deal.

So we start driving around at like 10:30 and we start opening the doors of the van (they are sliding) and while we are creeping along in neighbor hoods we would open the doors and have people run out and go grab pumpkins off of peoples' porches.

We have about 8 pumpkins in our car by this time and everyone thinks that it will be a good idea to throw them at signs and mailboxes. So we open the door and im kneeling by the edge of the door and i throw a pumpkin at a mailbox that is going by and it "destroys the mailbox and sounds like a shotgun"

After throwing like 7 of them, i hit 6 out of 7. We only have one left and it weights about 20-25lbs. By this time we are kinda tired of this and we are going down a simi-main road doing about 40mph. My friend opens the door and i go to throw the pumpkin at the sign.

However, when i thrust it forward i start going out of the car. In my mind im like "holy fuck!" While I'm falling out of the door of the car i some how turn my body around so that i am now falling backwords out of the car. All i remember is trying to grab this handle that is right by the door but at this point it is too far away from me to reach because I'm now parallel with the road about 3 feet above it still falling. My whole upperbody all the way down to my thighs are out of the car at this point and my head is VERY close to the road!

My friend somehow manages to grab my hand at literally the 'last" second and pull me back into the back. They shut the door and everyone in the car is freaking out and asking me if i was ok. I am just hysterical for about 5 minutes and couldn't talk. I was laughing/crying and my adrenaline was pumping so hard!

That was the craziest thing that has happened to me, because well i almost died.

man.. I don't know what do say or do. Laugh about the the way you destroyed those mailboxes :D:D:D:D or be like omg thank god you lived?! :thinking:

Ok guys, first of all this is my post #1000 (yay), secondly I have no idea which story I should tell.. so I will let you decide. I have not got time or energy to tell them all as each one could probably be expanded into a short story of about 20 pages.

Here are the possible ones. I have left out the most personal of my crazy stories.. they aren't really appropriate on a public forum.

1) For months my neighbour had been annoying the hell out of me, working in his garden from 7am until 10pm every single day of the week. He would mow the lawn with a large tractor, cut down trees and cut tiles and stones. He built a the biggest shed allowed by the local laws about 1 yard from my garden, changing my view from nice trees and birds to.. a shed.
This story is about how I one day got my revenge. It involves a spud gun (aka potato launcher).

2) A school bully had grabbed my girlfriends ass and tried to force her into a kiss while I was at the bar ordering drinks and our other friends had not yet arrived. This story is about what my girlfriend and I did following this, and the many things it led to. It involves violence, so reader discretion is advised.

3) This is a story about how a "quiet night in" with two friends evolved into a night of mayhem. It involves violence, excessive alcohol consumption, foul language, drug abuse and sex, so it is highly advisable that you do not choose this one unless you are very tolerant.

4) A story about doing the old pig-trick at our school (release three pigs painted with numbers 1, 2 and 4.. they will spend all day looking for #3). The three pigs in question were all HUGE, quite energetic and very interested in people. This story is not that crazy, but still quite funny. As a bonus I may be able to get a couple of pics my friend took of the pigs before we released them and while they are eating a rose bush. No animals were harmed.

Those are the ones I am prepared to tell, so let me know what you want to hear :)


Say the 1st and 4rth story man. :D I want to see those pig pictures :D
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The answer is 5: All of the above.
tell all the stories.
start with the school bull trying to kiss ur girlfriend, man if that happened to me...damn i would have killed him...with watever i can find...i'd snap his neck in half or something.:spank: me=man bully=horse :horse:
Yeah, Jaseth. I can't settle for just one after reading the descriptions!

I'm particularly interested in #1 & #2 :D
