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  • Hi DTR! I'm wondering if you could hook me up with some phlatlight pt-54's. I noticed you may be out of stock for now? Any idea on when/if you might carry more?

    While on LPF, I saw that there is a class of laser pointers that have a Mech mod as a component of the build. I went to your site and saw the picture for the the 12mm to 22mm adapter. It looks like it also has the adapter piece to connect to the Mech mod.
    Is that true or is it just for the single aluminum piece? If it is the single adapter, where would I get the other piece?

    Hey dtr~ I recently ordered a 6w nubm44 diode in 12mm module wired from your store It was around 16th nov. or so wondered if you have tracking # yet. Jayrob just shipped my Saik host build kit thought you might be close to shipping diode module out. It is to cjsurvey59@gmail.com El Dorado, ks 67042
    Hi DTR.
    I am thinking on building a locator beacon for underwater use.
    I saw you had some nice diods.
    Do you have some suggestion on what to use ?
    I want a 0.5 second burst that repeats every 5 seconds, just as a beam.
    Do any driver have that feature ?
    I am as new to laser technology as it comes; but I am interested in making a super high powerful laser that will be handheld, in a knife edged configuration using 4/ 6w NUBM44 450nm, my question is: is there a driver made that is small enough and powerful enough to handle all 4 diodes? Or would using 4 X-Buck 4.5a drivers be recommended. I know that a lot of heat is going to be generated but only looking to do 10 second cycles with 30 second cool downs, also a cooling fan will be introduced into the build. The other question is: After I align the laser beam what kind of glass should I use, a beam extender, do I need to use a like magnifying type of glass to bring the beam together to make a more defined point, is there a glass like a G2 that can be used to adjust the beam? Like I said I am really green to this, I am going to machine my own host and give it a try, and see how it turns out, I will post pics. Thank's
    I recently purchased a Maraxus vaporizer after seeing another member converting it to s laser pointer. It seems there was an adapter for your heatsink which is no longer available from fastech but perhaps you're aware of somebody else on the forum or elsewhere where I can find one? It seems you still have the heatsink for sale, would you happen to have any of the v2's?
    thanks: Dear friend: I received today the NUBM44/450nm/6W in 12mm copper module. Thank you for everything and for speed. Soon I will buy more!
    Received the pltb450b and 16x in less than 3 days to Oklahoma. Thanks so much for great selection of products and great service. I'll be making another video of the 16x you mind if I mention your name on YouTube?
    Hey! I was looking around the forum a bit and noticed these mech mod lasers that keep popping up; most of them mention that they use 510 threaded modules from you, and I'm a bit confused on as to what exactly those are. I can't seem to find any threaded modules on your site. Thanks!
    Hello DTR,
    I am looking to purchase a 405nM laser full assembly so I would want to do the project I described in this post: http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/project-help-new-laser-forum-99954.html#post1463694

    I believe with the parts from your website listed here:
    -12x S06J 405nM diode $25
    -12x 206J Copper Module Nano Buck/Boost Driver $65
    Thinking of adding the Three elemonet glass lens.

    My question would be would your driver(which replaces the LM317T,R1 and R2) work with a 100ohm resistor (R3) and a NTE2315 in the following configuration:

    Hi I'm interested in doing a build using one of your 35mm Modules For 9mm Diodes without the lens (I have the lens) with one of your NUBM44 450nm Laser Diodes and driver and power it with 2 each Basen IMR 26650 4500mAh 60A Flat Top Batteries (I have already)

    Is this possible !
    Hello All
    What is the best way to measure the current on a laser diode.
    I have a nubm06 and nubm08 and to adjust the diode current.
    Im new in this forum
    best regards
    notcied the 22mm modules are no longer available

    Are these going to return or are there any left


    Have two mechanical mods I need modules for :)
    Hi , i am intersting to buy this laser NDB7875 445nm 9mm Diode
    In 12mm Copper Module
    (Choose Lens Option)

    at 59 $ . I live in Greece ,what is the shipping cost
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