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FrozenGate by Avery

Top secret laser for sale.

How much do you want?

Yes we all are watching that is what you wanted by posting, TOP SECRET LASER for sale
daguin said:
Sparkles hasn't been gone long enough for us to forget the potential results of multiple units of a "new" product, being sold quickly, has he?
Benji here DID sell a whole bunch of complete 445nm Blue Mohlights a while ago, so far
no feedback, I guess he sold them locally to kids at his school, not on the forum.

In the meantime, with all the hype, I totally lost any interest I had for this.... :(
I hope millirad is joking, that flashlight is so lame, I have no words....

Be careful before you accidentally the whole flashlight!:eek:
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It's only 30 bucks, and seems like a somewhat decent flashlight. Not very bright (200 lumens max I believe)

But you can program the modes any way you want, with any percentage of power, how fast the strobes, etc etc etc.
Sorry jake. Nope. Looks like a nice host though. All the hotlights I sold were here on the forum. Everybody was pleased that I knew of.

I know the flashlight works because I am currently using it as a laser :D

I did fry a couple tailcaps in the process though...

One new drawback, its going to run off of 3 AAA...
bhwollen sending you a PM

And Ben has sold plenty of stuff on here, I don't think he's trying to scam anybody here, but I agree with Dave, that trying to sell something sight unseen, just saying it's worth the money he wants for it, is not a good business tactic. You can hype up a product, but you can't say, I have the coolest car in the world ever made for sale, $500,000. But you can't see it until you buy it and come pick it up
