Nice driver! Looks like you've got that scope figured out
That thing should be very stable with temperature. You have a solid ground plane on the bottom and a heatsink pad. I've become a very big fan of the heatsink pad/soldered on heatsink. I try to put it in all my boards now.
Also, in my experience there isn't much (if any) practical difference in the performance of different packages if they have a thermal pad.
This is the one i was tell you about.
ha ha. I took your advice and just started pushing buttons.

j/k I dont know how to read it yet though.
Yes I have to agree with you on the thermal pads. On all the board i make now that dont have the +/- pads on the bottom i add thermal pads. In fact i took it a step further with a custom version of the X-Boost.
I left some of the bottom Copper Exposed on one of the version X-Boosts and i re flowed it with solder directly to the brass pill or i would re flow it straight to a piece of coper that i custom turned on my lathe.
I dont think it can get any better then that.LOL I was just having some fun.
Then on this 20mm version i did a heatsink pad on the top and on the bottom so you can thermal adhesive it straight to a piece of metal and if you want put a piece of coper like i did above.:
Then on this 24mm board i did exposed on the top like you see and had the bottom exposed under the chip. Having that top exposedf really helps when you push it into a pill.
Ive got more but my came died.:Errrr
I always put an Exposed pad if i can for heatsinking now under the chip area.
I also got some driver made in aluminium.


Expencive as hell.!
As for again about the different packages. Ill have to disagree. Without no additional heatsink but the board a TO220 Lm1117 will be much better in handling heat then a TO-252. Both have thermal pads Right.? But for sure the TO220 handles heat much better.
Your theory might be true if they are both on large enough boards where it doesn't matter as the heat has enough room to spread out for either package. But when your talking about such small boards as laser drivers a Larger package chip is Superior hands down in my book when it comes to heat. If that was not the case i would not have gone with a larger package. I would have gone with one of the other 2 package that where available.
I guarantee you on a 3mm QFN chip say running at 2A currant with say a 5v load on say a 17mm board drop it from a steady 2.8A currant pull and quickly bring it to 4A which should be ~ 3.5v on your supply. See how fast that chip freaks out before it adj if it even adj and doesn't go into protection mode. Larger chips can take that shock change of heat and again handle heat overall better. Scouts Honer.:can:
Iam sticking to it. Ive made enough QFN driver to if i had the option to use a larger package i would.
Again it might be true what your saying if both chips are on large enough boards where it doesn't matter but that is not the case here as our boards are small and get hot supper quick and QFN chips dont like that.
PS. I finished your host.