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  • Good evening from Malaysia. Interested to have a laser built with one of Sinner's MSSSW host rated at 3W and above. I've next to no experience whatsoever in this other than a typical laser pointer, so I'll take as much help and advise I can get. Thanks!
    I loved your previous avatar with the laser on the cat and the other cat jumping on it just as the gun was fired brilliant
    Thanks a ton for your help with my kryton build. Haveing never pressed a diode, you saved me lots of time and a potentially bad outcome. I would recommend anyone wanting a laser, or any help with one to go to you. Very pleased with a great job well done!
    Thank you SBA! Your 3W Kryton is truly an elegant piece of Art. I understand LPF's love affair with this host now :beer:

    ~ LB
    Is your avatar a little baby chick being chased by a remote controlled shark? too cute. I see you do rescue work, ever work with raptors?
    Hey, did you happen to get my PM? I sent it along with a visitor message here, but their was some kind of hick-up this weekend cause the forum said "maintainence issue. BRB" now my visitor message is gone.:wtf:
    Sup? Thaks for reply to my questions the other day. Didn't relize that my Aurora c6 was coming from Hong Kong, so looks like I'll be waiting awhile on my build unless I find one closer to home.
    I was wanting your opinio on my post "hot potato" in the general forum.
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