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  • Heh :) I first watched Sailor Moon when I was a kid and back then of-course I had no idea what anime was and how is it different from every other cartoon outhere. Than just a few years ago my friend suggested I watch some anime to "relax" I was stressed at work heheh. I though it was the weirdest suggestion one could get. I watched FLCL and Evangelion one after another and before I knew it I got hooked again. Old habits die hard :)

    P.S. Any reply from flaminpyro?
    FLCL was one of my first Anime i ever watched and just like a first love :) i'll never forget it :)

    It is good to see people with similar interests here

    gillza | Anime-Planet
    hey its neal gilson here yes 350 i will let it go just mail me or call prefered give me your phone# so we can set up everything
    Sorrie Rick ik heb nog een vraag,
    hoe zit dat met de lens?
    Ik heet Bas wel zo netjes ff voorstellen!
    Hee Rick,

    ik heb een vraagje, heb jij die dorcy met 12x al binnen van dave?
    en wat kost dat nou? (2 vraagjes)
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