I was thinking about an excel sheet too, but not everyone always has excel. We could redirect people without excel to openoffice.org, but still, they need to be willing to install it.
I suggest everyone posts what he has, and let's combine this with other needed stuff altogether.
Every participant post this information:
- Your country (for shipping redirections)
- What kind of high powered RED and VIOLET lasers do you have (remember, this is a requirement to participate)
- Do you have a program capable of editing Excel files?
As for me:
- The Netherlands
- See my sig
- Yes
Another question. I might have missed something here. Is everyone donating $10 so they become co-author of the lasers or something? I previously suggested that everyone pays the full price to the previous person in the chain and the last person is paid by the first, Someone even agreed with that. So effectively everyone only pays the S&H costs because they both pay and receive the laser price. I can see the disadvantages of this. Not everyone might have $140 lying around, and the paypal fees will also increase a lot. Am I right in expecting that the laser price will be returned some time after the participation, or is it seen as a donation to Kenom (for what reason?) In either case, I would not skip this if I can calibrate my meter for $10.