let me worry about safety.. Pretty dick head statements made without even knowing who i am.. believe me i know safety and i understand the capabilities and repercussions of something this powerful. i do non destructive testing that require rope access for a living so with out safety my life is on the line... but i forget the noob is always wrong and a fool because they take interest in the same thing your interested in. Rock crawlers to 726 horse track car on pump gas... don't be too concerned about me.
Hmmmm....It is not the " Noob " I worry about....It is the noob, with no conscience , no regard for harm to living creatures, no maturity, no empathy, no respect for life or property...The " Noob " as characterized in the movie..." A Clockwork Orange " me droogy !!
I am not too concerned about you, but I am very concerned about the future of our hobby and the high level of power now available... mixed with a low level of moral and ethical behavior of some humans !!! That...I assure you I am concerned about.
We are on the " Threshold of DEW "....GOD help us !!
Perhaps...we are just toooo quick to " Profile "....and judge "Noob = all the really bad things listed above"...Yes....true....But...you must have empathy and realize....we are very dedicated to our hobby !!! And...we do not want to loose our hobby.
I worry that the " Noob "...may have two (2) issues...
1) Lack of knowledge as to the dangers of a laser beam.
We...at least I... worry that the " Noob"....may just not realize....just what danger he is dealing with !!! All it takes is a microsecond to burn a hole in the centre of your optic nerve....a microsecond of ..... "oops " and you WILL have permanent damage !!! A microsecond... where the beam reflects of a surface in the room one is operating the laser...." Poooooof "... BIG PROBLEM !!!
2) A systemic absence of conscience , no regard for harm to living creatures, no maturity, no empathy, and no respect for life or property
Well....who knows where this " Profile "....lies.....COULD BE ANYWHERE....at any age level....at any level of technical ability !!! Could be a " Noob ".....we just worry....and rightfully so !!! Considering the times in which we live !!!!
As a group....we embrace ethical, safe and responsible mature behavior. We truly need it to keep our hobby alive !!!!!
I am sure there are many, many of us that are just sick in our gut,,,,everytime another news story pops up regarding " Laser attack on plane"
rears it's ugly head !!!....Just SICK !!!!!!
SOoooo...this passion for our hobby foundations our " hair-trigger " to profile !!! All the above is MY opinion....
Other members....join in !!! It is your hobby.....speak your thoughts !!!!