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FrozenGate by Avery

Ever set anything on fire... unintentionally?

Feb 25, 2009
It just happened to me, while I was trying to burn a hole through a cardboard box with the 445 I bought from OdicForce.
When I switched the laser off, I saw little pieces of burnt cardboard glowing like embers, which I was used to see, so I thought nothing of it. After a few seconds, however, the box had actually caught fire! I slapped the fire out with a shoe, then, for good measure, I put the box under the shower.

You can see where the box caught fire. The other thick marks are from the same laser; the thin marks are from a 200mw red laser.
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A accidentally burned a hole in my backpack with my 2500mW 445nm Laser focused to infinity ...
I didn't thought it would burn over 15 feet unfocused :D
I have some scratches on wooden paneling in my room .. and I burned my fingers many times. But setting on fire ? Nope .. not yet.
Not on fire, but I did unintentionally start roasting a black electrical cable with a 445nm laser. It's hard to tell if it's hitting something with goggles on. The smell and smoke alerted me though.
I had a 445nm literally burn two tiny holes in my pants... I only noticed when I smelled burning plastic... there were a couple of burn/melt spots on my car door.

Non laser related, I had a towel catch fire while I was cooking, I don't even remember why, but I remember putting the towel down, and turning away.

I guess it unrolled/unfolded, a part got close to the flame and it caught on fire. I used the spatula to dump it in the sink... turned on the water, and dumped a water from a filter pitcher on top. Most annoying part was having the smoke alarm go off, and all the smoke itself.
While testing out my 445 diode I accidentally set a tissue on fire. Scared the crap out of me
Two months ago, i almost set my couch on fire with my 2W 445nm....:p
It scared the crap out of me i have to admit :beer:

I have some scratches on wooden paneling in my room ..
Who doesn't? :D
I have many of them: on my wardrobe, on my night table, even on my walls (those are kinda cool: you see a spot where the paint is missing and the white surface below is showing, surrounded by a thin black halo). I made the first laser mark on a wall that time I had swatted a mosquito and I didn't know how to scrape it off the wall, so I burned it with a 200mW red instead :D
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I had an interesting accidental fire moment. I was on the John, and took the laser out of my pocket and started burning a toilet paper roll that was under the sink. I ran the laser till it got warm and stopped the lasing but the roll continued smoking, I would have rubbed it out but it was just out of reach. About 5 seconds later it started smoking a lot and I could see the flame. It was an O sh*t moment, I had to get up and drown it in the sink.
Not caused by a laser diode, but my driver burst into flames when I hooked it up to a power source and a test load. It was probably DOA.
I had an interesting accidental fire moment. I was on the John, and took the laser out of my pocket and started burning a toilet paper roll that was under the sink. I ran the laser till it got warm and stopped the lasing but the roll continued smoking, I would have rubbed it out but it was just out of reach. About 5 seconds later it started smoking a lot and I could see the flame. It was an O sh*t moment, I had to get up and drown it in the sink.

:crackup: It's rare that the expression is actually literal :crackup:
3 years old, I set my brother's bed on fire while he was sleeping in it.
Used a lighter....not laser related.
