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New diode!!! Nubm47-a1

Is the pic showing it reading d/c current?

Ok, is see, nice

Ever use it to set a driver?
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I have a high quality one I use, but I have been buying the fixed drivers.
I just got this out of it's case, I didn't hit the REL button, my efest should be closer to 4a, after I hit the rel it was 3.74a.

I can test it against my good inductive meter and see.

After I zeroed it my efest pulled an amp per volt into 1 ohm as it should, both meters were in the ballpark.

Make sure you get the right tenma one is DC current and one model is not. 72-7226 TRUE RMS






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Mcm electronics and parts express sell some meters pretty cheap. I own a couple Tenma meters and they work fine but not the kind of quality you get with a fluke. I also have another dc clamp on that goes with another fluke I have. I had no idea you could buy a DC Amps clamp meter so cheap though. Nothing is cheap with Flukes and that feature isn't added on until you spend a bit so I made the assumption other brands would still cost quite a lot for it.
I am pretty sure the first Tenma I bought was from radio shack so I always associate them with it. There are some real good deals on Tenma meters and I could have sworn a long time ago they were US made. I have lots of flukes from buying better and better ones over the years as I used them everyday all day when I was working and I swear by them. It sounds like I'm really trying to knock other manufacturers but I'm really just trying to say Fluke meters are worth what you pay for them and no that doesn't mean you need to buy a Fluke to do what we do.
What were we talking about?:)
Yea I have some Fluke stuff myself, I have several of their microprocessor controlled multi meters from winning ebay bids, some are the same model number and others are different model numbers yet they all read the same, that really says something.


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Ya, ya, ya meters.

Now about that new diode 8-) The suspense is killing us!
This is just a quick video of the driver in action. That's only an A140 diode. If anyone wants any I'll do 4x diodes for $60.00 priority shipping included.
But these drivers a nice. Even without a heatsink they barely get warm.

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This is just a quick video of the driver in action. That's only an A140 diode. If anyone wants any I'll do 4x diodes for $60.00 priority shipping included.
But these drivers a nice. Even without a heatsink they barely get warm.

Link not operable
It comes with the pot. That was one I had lying around and I'm going to get some different ones. That pot makes it go from off to full power in about 1/3 of a turn. Its still nice. I've been looking for a driver like this for a while.
They are used diodes. I don't think they have many hours. They haven't lost any strength. The pins are pretty long
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So got a block of these today and I am pretty sure what we are looking at is a block of 10 NUBM44 diodes instead of a block of 7 NUBM44 diodes meant for higher lumen projectors.



They do seem to have mad the dome slightly larger on the glass lenses probably to try and shape the beam better maybe because they are more spread out or just an improvement over the old shape.

Added was potting above the pins but comes off easy enough.

Made a video of a fresh NUBM44 and a fresh NUBM47 both using the same three element lens as I can't read over 6.8W on my meter at the moment but have a renewed interest in getting it upgraded to 12V rails so I can read to 20W. Basically operated the same. So did not do it with a G-2. Slight power difference which you get from diode to diode plus you don't really see if the amps are set to 4.50A or 4.59A since the power supply only reads in 100mA increments.



As for the beam shape it is also exactly the same. Here are both focused with G-2 lenses.
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That's good, I was afraid the divergence was going to be worse, I still like 44's, they are sturdy and strong.
these have been around for a while and they are smaller and only 5000mA, I'll check one out but I believe they will do the same with a pot attached>

I just checked and my bad as this driver is either on or off there is no granule increase :cryyy:

I've been looking for a driver like this for a while.
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Thanks DTR for the great information yet again. I always appreciate everything you do for this forum.
