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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • good to see you here
    i got no replies from my last PMs to you.
    I was asking for the return of the JL PL-E host I sent if you had not done something with it--OR one of the builds you made with parts I sent free.. or at least a thank you.

    send me a drone-- I am too broke to buy any.. len
    Unown (WILD)
    Unown (WILD)
    That's what they used to call an indian giver... -_-
    I'm here and still kicking and other than the duplicate lasers I sold must still have well over 100 :)
    Went through another really bad kidney stone problem involving an 11mm stone that put me in the hospital for a bunch of days as I once again got some kind of internal infection after they put a stent in. Like years ago all the testing turned up nothing so I've got some kind of weird auto immune response to stents.
    • Like
    Reactions: ArcticDude
    Nice to see you on. Sorry to hear you've had more health issues though. Stay well Pete. (y)
    Hey, Pete. I have been trying to print a shipping label for the diode I'm send you, but there is a problem with the address you gave me. Get back to me ASAP. Thanks, buddy.
    20 days w/o even a 'visit' are you OK?

    MANY here have a special place in their hearts for you!! hope all is well---len
    Hi Pete, I hope all is well with you and your family!
    Here's hoping you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Don't be a stranger, we all miss you here.
    I was reminded of your avatar when on the news the said a sea turtle had somehow ended up in north Houston waterway right after Harvey.
    Hey I just saw your post here (http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/various-lasers-4-sale-98934.html). I've been looking into getting a laser for awhile now, been really interested after seeing videos on some interesting ones. I'm new to this community (joined today), so I don't have the 10 rep you said to have, but I was wondering if it'd be okay if I still purchased one of the lasers off you. Was looking at any of the top row ones for #11, doesn't matter which one haha. Wasn't sure if you had sold out of them or not. If you are out of #11, was also looking at #10 120MW one. I did have questions about that one though. You said it's sensitive to how much voltage it gets and such, what battery would be safe but still give it a good output, and how much? Was confused what you meant cause I'm new to all the laser stuff haha. Anyways completely understand if you don't wanna sell since I don't have the rep, but if you are I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
    Have read many of your posts, and relate with many of your interests. Sometimes its so much fun just mixing and matching various host components and seeing what works, usually by accident. I had not felt the same feeling of joy since I was a kid spending hours with my legos making structures that don't even make sense to others. I would say your above-average normal in my book.
    NDB7875- I would like to buy this laser with the g2 lens if you still have it for sale. Do you have lpm to show 3.2w?
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