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  • are you reading the emails about new activity at the 'group'(R.O.G.)
    need everybody's input on next move.

    NOT getting emails on new posts at R.O.G.-hmmmm did you forget to SUB ROG??
    lots of reading then want yr feedback please--hk
    Hey there,
    No although I've lived here since 2000 I havent made it yet. I've heard good things. My wife and I are fire performers so we may possibly attend with one of the fire conclaves next year. We try to plan which festivals we do each spring.
    Members cannot delete the first post in a thread. Doing so deletes the thread. If anyone had already posted in the thread, you would have been effectively able to delete another member's post. That was not germane to this particular situation, but that is why the restriction exists.
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