Stop teasing me guys.

I work slow to make sure i get it right without damage.
WOW Guys your not going to believe this.
So i hooked it up like any other 635nm diode that i know. NOTHING...
So i though i got a dud... Double
Then took my DMM and started testing Pin outs because i thought of the other 638nm thread and thought that maybe there was a different pin out.
Sure enough the pin out is Just like a 445nm diode.
So kiyoukan yes its insulated.:wave:
As for the Color it for sure is not 660.
In Fact I dont want to say 100% but iam 99% sure its 635nm/638nm.:wave:
Its also As stated Multi Mode.:wave:
Here are some Pictures what do you guys think of the color.?
Its running at Just Above threshold right now in the photos. I dont know exactly what the currant is but i will know once i put everything together properly.
From Left to RIght:
300mW 635/638nm???? ,
51mW 635nm ,
120mW 660nm
^^^Those are just quick shots nothing spacial but just to get an Opinion and to not keep you guys waiting. That is not my intention.
I like to work slow and Careful rather then fast and Kill Something. So please be patients.
Ill be testing Output Next.

I have to set up another driver so again Please be patient.
I turned the pot all the way on the driver which maxes out to 246mA and dame is this thing Bright.
Makes my 50mW look like Nothing.LOL
So Please i ask to be patient thats all....:beer: